Thursday, November 16, 2017

Dalley's Dialogue: Off the Grid 2.0

I'm back.

In case you're wondering.....I did not go into hiding.

I've just been on a journey of self discovery.

And I cannot wait to tell you all about it.

A long time ago.... when I was a little girl.... ... oh... I'd say about 8 months old, my Dad finished his final month of the didactic phase for his PA program!

It's hard to know who was the most happy. Mom...? Dad....? or me....?

Maybe Dad... but I might be coming in a close second. 

It's pretty fun getting to see Dad more...and he gets to help Mom with me more.... even though he needs some practice on putting together my outfits.

Floral on floral is just not a good look for me.

But despite his lack of fashion sense... I love getting to spend more time with him.

So now....after the 16 months of the classroom work had come to an end.... Dad got to start his clinical rotations.
Each rotation is 4 weeks long.

We just spent the past 4 weeks in Morgan, Utah.
We got to spend the entire month staying with my Aunt Bre, Uncle Jordan and my cousins.

Sooooo many awesome things happened while I was there!
I decided to create a top 10 list of my greatest adventures in Morgan.


Watching football.

It's hard to explain why I love watching this game so much.

Maybe it's the nice view.

Or the bright colors and sounds.

Whatever the reason.... I get pretty mad when somebody changes the channel.....

and in Morgan I got to watch a lot of football.


Getting my first taste of sugar.

I heard Mom and Dad say they didn't want me to have sugar until I turn 1 year old (corrected)! 

I was very upset by this.

I concocted a plan.

All I had to do to get around that nonsense was continue to refuse any food by mouth.

They got desperate and broke that ridiculous rule real quick.

I LOVE DUM DUMS.......and only dum dums!

So for any other kids reading this blog... that's the secret to getting to eat WHATEVER you want.
It really shows the parents who's boss. 


Seeing a buffalo for the first time.

I wanted to pet it, but Dad wouldn't let me. What a scaredy cat.


Seeing some more ponies.


Discovering that I like chickens more than ponies.


Learning to read from my cousin Tinly.

She was such a good teacher that I am just about ready for chapter books.


Challenging my Uncle Jordan to a staring contest.

 He clearly had NO IDEA what competition he was up against.

It's a little known fact that I've been training for this event ever since the NICU.

Beatrice was a very skilled "starer".... and taught me everything that she knows.

But even though I DOMINATED the contest... he wasn't a sore loser and he still wanted to hang out with me.


Quality girl time with Aunt Bre.

Turns out..... Aunt Bre is hilarious... and makes me laugh really hard.

And she rounded up some toys for me to play with so I wouldn't get bored.

Plus she clued Mom in on the fact that I no longer fit into 0-3 month clothing.
Aunt Bre got me some new jammies and outfits... so I can finally lounge comfortably and get some good rest.


Celebrating my first Halloween.

I dressed up as an 80 year old mall walker with COPD.

You know what I always say... If the shoe fits!

But in my case.... If the canula fits...!

All 3 of my cousins and I coordinated outfits.

McCoy dressed up as a hunter trespassing on the grumpy Old Lady's property. So.. the Old Lady (me) had to call in her super villain friend, Mal (Tinly) to bring justice to the trespasser!

Oh man... you should have seen the 3 of us raising a ruckus on the town.

Oh man... I LOVE halloween.


I turned 10 months old!

EXCUSE ME!!!!!! I'm naked here!!!!!

That's better.


I rolled over for the first time!

So far I've only mastered rolling from the front to the back.

I've ALLLLLMOST got it from the back to the front... 

but it's hard to get over my broad shoulders.

.... probably a result of all of my working out.......

So... that's my Morgan top 10!

But actually.... the best part of the whole trip... was all of the time I got to spend with my family.

Happy Birthday today Grammy!!!

What a rugged and awesome bunch we are!

I've got a lot to be grateful for.

The holidays are right around the corner.... and for some reason.... the feeling is different for Mom and Dad this year.

Christmas 2015 was sad.

Christmas 2016 was scary.

Christmas 2017 is going to be one for the books!

In the words of my eloquent aunt Shell, "Here's to the resurrection of December!"

Speaking of December... every year some friends of my Mom's donate a tree to the Festival of Trees in Salt Lake City.

Each year, the tree is themed after a child that has had to fight for their life. Some battles have been won in the world... some have been valiantly fought and continue to fight in the next world. 

This year... they are doing the tree for me and my angel big sisters.

Any money donated to their cause is used to put together the tree... which will then be sold at auction and all proceeds will go to Primary Children's. 

If you can donate... I know that the money will go to a good cause.
If you can't donate.... we still invite you to watch the tree come to be.

In some more words of my wise Aunt Shell....."This girl is the best kind of miracle, and helping to give other people a miracle makes angels out of mortals."

Good night friends. 

I hope your Thanksgiving is as happy.... and as full of dum dums as mine will be!