Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dalley's Eyes

Hi friends. It's me....Dalley.

I've been pretty busy this week so I thought I'd give you all a quick update.

I know that a week ago, everyone thought that I was getting sick again. Turns out.... I wasn't sick... I was just TIRED. I had only been extubated for a week and it was A LOT of work to try to breath without that stupid tube down my throat. On top of that..... they put me in a crib and I got too cold. It's also A LOT of work to try to warm myself up.

They decided that trying to have me breath on my own....AND maintain my own temperature might be too much for my little body. So they gave me a nice warm bed back. The only downside to this is... I don't get to wear my cute hat as much. Darn.

Because I was born soooooo early, they have to check my eyes once a week to see if I have or if I am getting a disease call Retinopathy of Prematurity..... or ROP. This is a disease that is caused by excess amount of oxygen (which I sort of need to live). Too much oxygen can cause the blood vessels in the eyes to grow abnormally. The past few weeks I haven't had signs of ROP.... but, this week they saw the beginning stages of ROP.


Now they have to keep doing those eye exams once a week to make sure it doesn't get worse. I hate those stupid eye exams. They hurt my eyes and I cry a lot. Plus.... it gives me a headache.

Also, on Thursday a really nice lady named Jessica offered to come and take me and mom's pictures. Mom doesn't do her hair very often these days so this was a special occasion. Dad couldn't come because he has school. I am excited to get the pictures! In the meantime,  here's a selfie of me and mom.

All in all, it's been a pretty good week. Mom and I get to snuggle every day now! My nurse Jeanette took this picture of me and mom when we were snuggling......

Mom kept snoring and waking me up!!!! But... don't worry..... I'm planning my revenge for as soon as I get home! 


I also got another primary nurse named Amy. One day I thought I would "officially" welcome her to being my when she was changing my diaper.... juuuust when she had the old diaper taken away and juuuuust before she put the new diaper on, I pooped! It had such force behind it, that it went ALL over my bed and the wall!!



The doctors have been trying to slowly take away my pain medications. Apparently it's "frowned upon" to have a baby leave the NICU being addicted to morphine. 

It's starting to get boring in here so I have picked up a few new hobbies. 

I've been working on my crying, cooing and singing voice. My vocal cords are still in rough shape from that stupid intubation tube. I work on this at least once a day... some times more. I'll be singing in no time.

I have also been working out. Pumping iron... or in my case, "pumping air". 

I feel like it's really starting to pay off. I now weight 3 lbs 13 oz! And....check out my muscles!

Well... that about wraps up my week. I can't wait for next weekend.... my dad is coming to see me for an entire week! Plus it's his birthday on Sunday the 19th. I'm going to plan a surprise for him! Probably something similar to what I gave my nurse Amy.

Thanks to everyone that cares about me and my family. Thanks for all of the prayers. I've had a pretty rough start into the world, but I can't wait to get out into the world. With people like all of you out there.. it's going to be a great place to be. 

Good night everyone. 

Love Dalley


  1. Dalley. Thanks for the update. You're the sweetest little girl ever. You and your family are in my prayers daily. So glad you are doing so well.

  2. Dalley, thank you so much for your wonderful update! I pray for you and your sweet family everyday. I love hearing so much about your sweet life and how much you're growing yay!!!!!!!! I am sorry for the eye exams but just remember they want to make sure you're doing okay!!!! I hope you and mommy get some amazing pictures back. I'm so glad you get to snuggle daily now my little one loves to snuggle! Make sure you come up with something amazing for your daddy I am sure he misses you lots when he isn't able to be there. I'm sure mommy will help you think of something!!!! Keep going strong and keeping up the great work of growing into a big girl. I love to hear from you! Until next time! Hugs

  3. Hi Dalley!! I think you're pretty much the cutest thing ever! You keep amazing us all with your strength, you must get that from mom and dad. I can't wait to see those pictures of you and mom. I bet they are going to be super cute. We all love you and have you, mom and dad in our prayers. Keep flexing those muscles and growing!! I am going to send you something special when you go home with mommy and daddy! Love you all!! ❤

  4. Lacey, both you and Dalley's posts are amazing. Thank you for letting us be a part your lives.

  5. What a wonderful treat to hear from you Dalley ! It's so good to hear all about your adventures. Nice job on the weight gain, and Photo's. Sure hope we get to see those. I smile, laugh and cry when I read all about your challenges and progress. FEEL THE LOVE LITTLE ONE. ❤❤❤

  6. Dalley, I just met you and I am just taken by you. You beautiful and strong. I'm proud of you for working so hard to get bigger. I know your mommy and daddy love you very much and they are strong too. Im excited to see glimpses into your journey. You are all doing an incredible job. Love.

  7. Love you Dalley. Auntie Lina can't wait to meet you sweet girl. ❤️❤️❤️

  8. I love this soooo much!! She is so cute and looks so big and even pudgy! Yay!

  9. I'm ready to throw you a baby shower as soon as you give me the go ahead!! I'm so excited for you guys!
