Thursday, May 25, 2017

It's the Final Countdown

Hey. What's up?

Guess what?.....My sentence is coming to an end. My time on the inside is drawing to an end. I'm getting ready to bust outta here. Think they'll recognize my disguise?

In preparation for my departure....Mom and I are having our very first sleepover tonight! Just me and mom! Dad is home studying for a test that he has to take tomorrow...

I am so excited that I don't even want to sleep!
See me in there? Wide awake and not sleeping? At 12:00 AM?

Yup,... that's me....wide awake... but they put me in the corner.

I tried to tell them........ NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER!....
But they never listen to me around here.

Me in the corner... yet again.


That sounds like another hit song waiting to happen! You're welcome world.... You're welcome!

Here is the latest and greatest in my world....

The other day.... I was picked up in my Uber and taken over to Primary Children's Hospital.  

I must be pretty important because they sent me with several body guards. At first... the trip was a blast! I saw something mom called "sunshine" for the very first time! 

But then I realized they were taking me to Primary Children's for surgery. They put something called a "G-tube" into my stomach. 

I tried to tell them that I am waaayyyy to young for body piercings.. but they did it anyway. I think it is some sort of initiation ritual they do for us NICU veterans. My best friend Meela is getting one too. We're pretty sure "G-tube" stands for "Gangster Tube".  

Life on the inside hardens a girl...

Either way.... 

My new 'Gangster tube" allows me to be fed without a giant hose being shoved down my nose. I HATED THAT! 

Just the other day.... I had completely had it with all of the tubes and wires taped to my body. I was sick of it... so I tried to take matters into my own hands.

I made sure the coast was clear.... 

And I started ripping it off!

Got one!

But then I was busted.


I'm such a rule breaker.

Like I said before.... Life on the inside hardens a poor girl.

Yesterday they took me back over to Primary Childrens Hospital. I got to ride in another Uber and I also got to see the sunshine... again! I have a feeling I am really going to love sunshine!

This time they took me to Primary Children's to do an MRI on my brain to see if there has been any injury to it. There is a high risk for that when you're born as early as I was.

But.... guess what?

The MRI came back completely normal!!!!!

Fist bump!

It seems as if all of my exercising and hard work is finally paying off. Beatrice even got Mom involved in my workout routine. Mom! She's a slave driver! None of the other kids have to exercise... but I DO!!! 

I whined! "This isn't fair!"

I even tried to "fake sick" to get out of it.....


Don't be surprised if she has me doing all of the heavy lifting and house work within the next few months! Geez.

I tried to tell her that I hate crunches.... but she made me do them anyway.

Then she said.."Drop and give me 50!"

So I said... "I'll see your 50 and raise you 10 more! HA!"

I told you mom was crazy.

But I am getting stronger... And my exoneration date is coming. They are telling us "hopefully" Saturday.... unless I get into some kind of trouble... liked forgetting to breath. 

What a bunch of nervous nellies. 

I also just celebrated my 5 month birthday! You know what that means!.....

5  days.

1 Month

 2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

And one more 5 month with my elephant outfit... AND my elephant for good measure.

5 months and 8 lbs 5 oz!!!!

When I first got here in the NICU... I really wanted to channel my inner Usain Bolt and sprint out of here.....

But it turns out.... I'm more of a marathon runner than a sprinter.

And that's okay.

5 months later and I'm finally getting ready to go home. I'm ready for it. I can't wait to experience the sunshine in real life... and to feel the wind... and to hear birds.... and to meet my friends and family.

It's a great big world and I can't wait to explore it.

I will miss all of my awesome friends I've made here at the U of U.
It's almost time for my new chapter... and just like every other challenge that has come my way.... 
I am ready for it.



Even if mom and dad are being weirdos with rules.........

Here we go!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

When Thank You Isn't Enough

There have been instances in my life.... usually in the winter... where I have been driving down the road toward my destination in my car. Everything is smooth... everything is fine. But.... up ahead, I can see a huge black cloud. I'm driving straight toward a huge storm. In my heart.... I hope that I miss the bulk of the storm. Sometimes I do... Sometimes I don't. Sometimes the storm is short... Sometimes it is long.

I find myself driving into the storm and I think to myself, "This is going to be scary..... This is going to be dangerous....... I wish I didn't have to keep going, but I have to."

I drive into the storm... white knuckles clutching the steering wheel... hoping it won't last long. Driving forward and hoping that at any minute the storm will lessen and the weather will become less scary. The drive will be less treacherous.

Wishing there was somebody that could do it for me. But I know there isn't anyone that can. It's a road I have to take.

That's what this journey has felt a like. When Dalley was born, I could see the storm up ahead. I dreaded it. I wanted to turn around. I wanted somebody to drive for me. I wanted the storm to be easy... But it hasn't been.

But I haven't been alone.

Today I sat in the waiting room for Primary Children's operating room. Dalley had surgery to insert a feeding tube into her abdomen... a G-tube.

We decided it was the right direction to go for her feedings. Dalley is getting strong and she hates things taped to her face. This has resulted in her ripping the feeding tube out of her nose... or partially out of her nose several times a day. Because she is on continuous feeds at night for 12 hours, we run the risk of her pulling out her tube while we are sleeping. The risk of aspirating is high. For our sanity... and hers.... a G-tube was inserted.

Getting the G-tube will get us home safer. We are now looking at leaving closer to Memorial Day weekend so she can recover.

This will mean our time in the University of Utah NICU has been 5 months.

The U of U NICU. It is a place that finally brings meaning to the phrase, "being in two places at once."

It feels like Hell. But it has the miracles of Heaven.
I hate it. But I love it.
I wish we never had to be here. I wouldn't choose another team of individuals to care for my baby.
I have laughed to the point of tears. I have cried from sorrow so much I ran out of tears.

I hate this place. I hate that I had to meet the people here. But I love them. We owe them our hearts. They have saved our baby.

I wish I could name them all. I wish I could go back and get a picture of every single one of them. Tell the world how amazing they are.

Their jobs are not easy. I have seen them save several babies lives... Dalley included. I have seen them fight like hell to save a baby... only to let death take the lead. They cry with the parents over joyous moments. They cry with families during devastating moments. They can hopelessly watch a baby pass away, yet still find the ability to come to work the next day and meet a new and worried family.. look them in the eye and say, "we are going to do everything in our power to help your baby." They console. They give hope... but not falsely. They work long shifts. They fight for your child.

They are the doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, aids, social workers, pharmacists, lab technicians, housekeeping staff, occupational therapists, parent to parent support group....

They are not perfect. They make mistakes. But the credit is theirs. I love them... and I thank them.

Thank you will never be enough.

These are some of them. These are our primary nurses. 





These women are fearless. They have caught life-threatening infections before it was too late. Gone to bat for us. Cried for us. Spent their own money on things to make her more comfortable. Loved her. Loved our family.

This NICU is full of AMAZING health care staff. The level of care here is uncomparable. ....And these ladies are our "heavy hitters."

I often wonder why things work out the way they do. I don't know if things in life are controlled... or if it's all by chance.

What I do know... is that despite all of life's challenges... we are lucky. We have the best family and friends. Our corner of the world is incredible. This has been absolutely insane, but we thank you for weathering the storm with us.... Even though it's not over..... thank you for sticking by us.

I say it again.....Thank you will never be enough.

Mothers day came and went. I cannot say goodnight without publicly thanking the incredible woman that raised me. I am lucky enough to have a mother whose absence is one of the single greatest voids in my world. She loved unconditionally and selflessly.

I spent mothers day weekend visiting her... and the three little angels who made me a mother a year ago. Three beautiful little girls who are being cared for by the woman and man that raised me.

And then I came and spent mothers day with this little girl.. Our rainbow baby who has undoubtedly been in their company throughout her very short yet difficult and trial laced life.

Thank you again for helping us through this and loving us. We are so close to home. The storm is lessening.

Life is hard. It is unfair. It is made more bearable when those around us travel through the storms with us. When tragedy befalls somebody... and you wonder what you should do..... what you should say... Please do not let the fear of "saying the wrong thing" stop you from reaching out. Make the call. Send a text. Show up. Give a hug. Make a donation. Say a prayer.

Saying nothing.... or doing nothing..... in my opinion is worse than saying or doing the wrong thing.

Two young children in my community (ages 8 and 14) lost both their dad and their mom this week. I can't even image what they are going through.

Another family in my community lost their father at far to young as well.

Right now, these families need us to travel the storm with them.

I hope they feel flooded with so much love... that someday... they will look back and say as my family does now, "Thank you for weathering the storm with us. Thank you just isn't enough."

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Finish Line

So much has changed. So much new information has been presented. I have been sitting here trying to formulate a way to bring it all together but I fear my thoughts resemble that of a kaleidoscope.

Last week was hard. The concern was presented to me that Dalley is presenting some behaviors that are sometimes indicative of Cerebral Palsy. The information was not given to scare me or cause me to worry anymore than I already do. It was given to me in love. To prepare us for Dalley's potential future.

We have known from the beginning that this was a concern. When I was admitted into the hospital at 23 weeks... at the point that I was CERTAIN I would not be delivering our baby anytime soon, the Neonatologist team came into my room and laid it all out there for me. They told me the risks that are associated with such an early birth. Blindness.... deafness....developmental deficits......infections......cerebral palsy.......death. They had to tell us this information so we could be prepared and so we could make the best decision for our family and for our baby. All we had to do, was tell them that we didn't want them to intervene. That when she was born... we would choose to hold her in our arms and be with her as she passed away.

Adam and I had already discussed it. We had made that decision with the triplets. We didn't feel it was our decision to make..... to say whether we felt she should live or die based on a 'possibility' she could have a serious problem. It wasn't our call.

But..... as it was being presented to us that day, there was a brief moment when I thought, "What kind of quality of life will she have? Is it selfish of us to choose this life for her?"

The moment was brief. We knew what the right decision was for US. We would give her every fighting chance at life and we would deal with whatever came as a result. We would give her the best life we possibly could. A shortage of love would never be an issue.

Up until the past few weeks, it seemed as though the main focus has been survival. "How can we make this baby live?". This has been the driving force. Now that we are mostly confident she will come home with us..... the unknown future and all of the potential issues have been regurgitated.

When the idea of cerebral palsy was mentioned, I fretted for days. I would cry in trepidation anytime she would exaggeratedly arch her back for an unknown reason....or when her hands would shake uncontrollably in front of her. The fear was consuming me.

But I HAD to change my mindset! I

Nothing had changed. If she ends up having cerebral palsy... then she has cerebral palsy. Worrying about it won't fix anything. I tried to take the information as it was intended and use it as a tool. I have been working with the Occupational Therapist, Chris (who is AMAZING) every single day. She has been teaching me exercises to do with Dalley.

If she has CP.... it will be caught early... and we are already working to minimize the severity of it IF it presents itself. Right now, we can't waste any time worrying about a disease she may or may not have. If she does have it.... we will be prepared. Nobody wants their child to be sick. I don't WANT Dalley to have CP... But nothing about our love for her will change if she does. She is amazing and I am in awe of her every single day.

I had to do a complete 180. Once again... she deserved my unconditional faith in her.

I set up a bet in the NICU. Pick your date.... the person who picks closest to the actual day we leave will win a prize. What that prize will be... I'm still not sure... but it will be cool. Maybe a cupcake and a Diet Coke. My luck.... the winner will hate cupcakes and Diet Coke and will give it back to me.

Friday night we had a care conference with Dalley's team. We met with doctors, nurse practitioners, primary nurses, respiratory therapists, and social workers. They had set the stage for what needed to happen before Dalley could come home.

1. She needs to be on low flow oxygen. This is a level of oxygen that she can go home on.
2. She needs to be eating or we have to decide which kind of feeding tube to send her home on. An NG tube (feeding tube through the nose) or a G tube (surgically inserted into her stomach).
3. Her eyes have to be cleared from progressing ROP.
4. Consult with the neurologist about her lack of eating by mouth.
5. Consult with ENT and make sure she has no vocal cord paralysis.
6. Consult with the gastroenterologist to make sure her stomach is working adequately.

There was so much listed that I thought we had A LOT more time.................


1. She is going on low flow oxygen tonight.
2. I put in my first NG feeding tube today.
3. Her eyes were cleared (for the most part) today. The doc says she now has mild ROP that he believes will fix itself.
4. Neurology came today. They may do an MRI next week, but clinically he didn't see anything concerning to him. He couldn't diagnose CP because that won't be completely diagnosable for several months...maybe even years.
5. ENT consult this morning. No paralysis!
6. Trip to Primary Children's last week that showed no pyloric stenosis. Yay!

Road Trip!

It was suggested today that we may be going home even sooner than expected.

I have so many emotions right now. Panic. Unpreparedness. Excitement. Anxiety. Survivor's guilt. Dread. Gratitude. Anger. Love. 

I'm swimming. I can't make sense of so many conflicting feelings. 

I feel so broken in so many ways. 

Spiritually I feel like a glass table that has shattered. I have no idea how to put the pieces back together. I don't even know if it's possible. 

Mentally I am apprehensive to feel excitement. Anything could still happen. 

Physcially I feel exhausted. I can't believe this has been my life for almost 5 months.

Emotionally I feel guilty. I don't know how to feel joy for our situation when so many people I have come to LOVE dearly are still in turmoil.

I feel broken. But for the first time in a long time... I am okay with being broken. I feel the pressure lift to try to have all of the answers or to figure everything out. What a journey this life has been.... and continues to be.

On Friday we met with Dalley's Neonatologist, who also specializes in infectious diseases. He let us know the danger behind her getting sick... and strong emphasized our need to advocate for our daughter. She isn't like a normal...healthy full term baby. The concept of "she needs exposure to build immunity" doesn't work the same for her. She is fragile. Her lungs are sick. A simple cough or sneeze from a health person, could be a deadly disease to her. We have to be careful about who and how many people we let see her. Holding her will be even riskier. We mean no offense. We just have to protect her. 

Adam wrote a write up that clearly explains our opinion on immunizations. We are not asking anyone to change their opinion to match ours, but this is our opinion as far as care for Dalley. We love you and thank you for understanding.

Hi everyone. We just wanted to give you an update on Dalley. She is doing great. In fact, we met with her care team of specialists to plan for her to come home. If she continues to make the improvements she is currently making, we should plan on bringing her home within 1-2 weeks. We are so excited! As we gather the necessary stuff she’ll need, ie crib, clothes, etc. there are  other things she will need--lots of love from her family. She is so excited to meet all of her loving family and friends and thank them (in her own special way) for being there for her through the extremely difficult journey of being a micropreemie. She can’t wait to be held and loved by you all. Her team consisted of: Neonatologist, Perinatologist, Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Ophthalmologist, Neurologist, Pulmonologist, Gastroenterologist, ENT, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, her Loving Nurses, and Infectious Disease Specialist. Little Dalley is more than likely coming home on Oxygen because her lungs are so FRAGILE. In fact, she has Chronic Lung Disease that is going to take her several years to overcome. So she needs your help. If you haven't already, please get current on your vaccinations--specifically Mumps, Measles, Rubella (MMR--good for life if you’ve had the vaccine; if not sure, please get a titer and appropriate vaccines), Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (T-DaP--new evidence shows only good for 6 years; please get titer or booster), Influenza (must be done yearly to prevent ever-changing strains of viruses). THESE are SERIOUS, LIFE-THREATENING diseases to Dalley. But we can help prevent her from getting them by being vaccinated because these diseases are preventable (polio and smallpox were eradicated due to vaccines). As her Infectious Disease specialist told us, without a doubt any of these diseases will kill her. If you aren’t sure if you have immunity to these diseases, please go to your Primary Care Provider, ask them to draw a Titer of Blood to check your immune status. Based on the blood results, they will be able to tell you which vaccinations you may or may not need (or just get the vaccines if you know for sure you have never been vaccinated). This will not take much time and most of the time you do not need an appointment, just walk in on your lunch break. If you are not vaccinated, we would respectfully ask you to not see her until such time. The risk is too great. We can do this for Dalley! She has fought so hard to be here and we can help her by doing this simple task. Thank you all for your love and support!!! We appreciate everything you have done for us. Now let's get her home to meet her tribe!

"The babies in here cry too much. Time to go home."

Sorry for any grammatical errors. It's 1:15 AM. I have to get up at 6:00 to go to work. I'm tired. :)