Thursday, May 25, 2017

It's the Final Countdown

Hey. What's up?

Guess what?.....My sentence is coming to an end. My time on the inside is drawing to an end. I'm getting ready to bust outta here. Think they'll recognize my disguise?

In preparation for my departure....Mom and I are having our very first sleepover tonight! Just me and mom! Dad is home studying for a test that he has to take tomorrow...

I am so excited that I don't even want to sleep!
See me in there? Wide awake and not sleeping? At 12:00 AM?

Yup,... that's me....wide awake... but they put me in the corner.

I tried to tell them........ NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER!....
But they never listen to me around here.

Me in the corner... yet again.


That sounds like another hit song waiting to happen! You're welcome world.... You're welcome!

Here is the latest and greatest in my world....

The other day.... I was picked up in my Uber and taken over to Primary Children's Hospital.  

I must be pretty important because they sent me with several body guards. At first... the trip was a blast! I saw something mom called "sunshine" for the very first time! 

But then I realized they were taking me to Primary Children's for surgery. They put something called a "G-tube" into my stomach. 

I tried to tell them that I am waaayyyy to young for body piercings.. but they did it anyway. I think it is some sort of initiation ritual they do for us NICU veterans. My best friend Meela is getting one too. We're pretty sure "G-tube" stands for "Gangster Tube".  

Life on the inside hardens a girl...

Either way.... 

My new 'Gangster tube" allows me to be fed without a giant hose being shoved down my nose. I HATED THAT! 

Just the other day.... I had completely had it with all of the tubes and wires taped to my body. I was sick of it... so I tried to take matters into my own hands.

I made sure the coast was clear.... 

And I started ripping it off!

Got one!

But then I was busted.


I'm such a rule breaker.

Like I said before.... Life on the inside hardens a poor girl.

Yesterday they took me back over to Primary Childrens Hospital. I got to ride in another Uber and I also got to see the sunshine... again! I have a feeling I am really going to love sunshine!

This time they took me to Primary Children's to do an MRI on my brain to see if there has been any injury to it. There is a high risk for that when you're born as early as I was.

But.... guess what?

The MRI came back completely normal!!!!!

Fist bump!

It seems as if all of my exercising and hard work is finally paying off. Beatrice even got Mom involved in my workout routine. Mom! She's a slave driver! None of the other kids have to exercise... but I DO!!! 

I whined! "This isn't fair!"

I even tried to "fake sick" to get out of it.....


Don't be surprised if she has me doing all of the heavy lifting and house work within the next few months! Geez.

I tried to tell her that I hate crunches.... but she made me do them anyway.

Then she said.."Drop and give me 50!"

So I said... "I'll see your 50 and raise you 10 more! HA!"

I told you mom was crazy.

But I am getting stronger... And my exoneration date is coming. They are telling us "hopefully" Saturday.... unless I get into some kind of trouble... liked forgetting to breath. 

What a bunch of nervous nellies. 

I also just celebrated my 5 month birthday! You know what that means!.....

5  days.

1 Month

 2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

And one more 5 month with my elephant outfit... AND my elephant for good measure.

5 months and 8 lbs 5 oz!!!!

When I first got here in the NICU... I really wanted to channel my inner Usain Bolt and sprint out of here.....

But it turns out.... I'm more of a marathon runner than a sprinter.

And that's okay.

5 months later and I'm finally getting ready to go home. I'm ready for it. I can't wait to experience the sunshine in real life... and to feel the wind... and to hear birds.... and to meet my friends and family.

It's a great big world and I can't wait to explore it.

I will miss all of my awesome friends I've made here at the U of U.
It's almost time for my new chapter... and just like every other challenge that has come my way.... 
I am ready for it.



Even if mom and dad are being weirdos with rules.........

Here we go!


  1. So excited for you! She is so darn cute! I hope you'll keep posting pictures of this little cutie. May the Lord bless your sweet family each and every day! Love you!

  2. Awesome news!! Congrats. I love seeing some of the blankets and onesies I donated in your pictures.

  3. Lacey, you are an incredible story teller. Especially when Dalley is telling you what to say. Love you guys.

  4. So exciting!!!!! Thank you so much for keeping us updated!!!! I love seeing the pictures of your beautiful girl and learning about her experiences!!! Praying that when you get to go home everything goes well!!! Much love to you all!!! Lacey you should write a book!!! I hope and pray you keep blogging even after you're home so we get to see how Dalley and you all are doing!!! Hugs to you all and loves !!!!!!

  5. I've been waiting and watching for this post! I'm so happy for you to go home!!! I didn't sleep at all on our sleepover nights...that was rough but a good idea to get a taste of reality! I am soooooo happy her MRI was good and think she just looks amazing!! Such a beauty! I can't wait to meet miss Dalley in person someday and get to talk with you more. I wanted to come to your shower but we were in Utah for the weekend. I think of you guys everyday and pray all goes well in this transition! It's so busy and so wonderful!! Love to all of you!! Melanie

  6. Love! Love!! LOVE YOU!!! We're so happy for you Dalley! You keep us smiling every week. I can't wait to meet you in person someday & have our little NICU girls play together. We'll continue to keep you, mama & daddy in our prayers. Love you guys!~ The Thompson's

  7. Couldn't be happier for you and your family.

  8. She is stinkin cute! Long live exploring the world!

  9. Love love love love love this!!!! You are one tough cookie Dalley! Love your G tube you little gangsta you😊.
