Sunday, July 2, 2017

Dalley's Dialogue: How I'm doing.



If you were like me..... and thought the life of a preemie got smooth and easy when they got out of the NICU.... then I hate to be the bearer of bad news.... but we were wrong. Smooth and easy it is not!

Better? Yes!
Easier? No. 

 But... we "wee" ones are tough.

Heh... Heh... get it? ........We "wee" ones.....?...???

Oh man...I crack myself up sometimes. 

Anyway, I've been home for a whole month now. 

Things are good.... hard.... but good.
I still have to go to a lot of different doctors....ALL ....THE.... TIME!! 

Heart doctor...eye doctor....GI doctor..... comprehensive care doctor... Nutritionist.... Pediatrician.... The list goes on and on.

A few weeks ago Mom had to take me to the GI doctor to learn how to change out my "Gangster" tube.

Any of you "softies" out there may need to look away for this next picture. This is what it looks like when my "gangster" tube is completely out. 

I was hoping they were taking it out for good, buuuuut....... no such luck. 
G-tube for life!!!!

Just kidding.... 

But...As it goes for now... my belly still has two buttons!

If you are wondering how long they plan to make me have this G-tube... then the answer is.... I don't know. 

As soon as I can eat by mouth. I've had some set-backs with that since coming home so it's not likely going to be anytime soon.

Mom hopes I will no longer need the tube by my first birthday. 

But.... unfortunate for her... I make the rules around here. So... it'll come out when I'm good and ready!


Last week I went to the heart doctor to see how my heart has been doing since my surgery. My grandma got to come and spend the ENTIRE day with me and Mom! It was so much fun!

At least.... it WAS fun until they put some cold stuff on my chest to look at my heart with this machine. That part wasn't so fun... and I made sure to make my grievances known!

I cried and wiggled to my "hearts" content..... just to get back at them.

Heh... heh... Get it? My "hearts" content?!

There I go again...! Another knee-slapper! Ha!

I digress..... My heart is looking good since the surgery. I still have some pulmonary hypertension but they will check it again in a few months to see if it's getting better.. If it's looking better in a few months... then MAYBE they will start to wean my oxygen.

Aside from all of the doctors appointments.... my days are pretty great.

I have got to meet about half of my cousins. 

This is my cousin.....she's my dimple twin.... She was my first cousin that got to hold me. If I look mad in the picture..... I'm not. My tummy just hurt. Either way...we are already great friend! She is always shopping for toys and clothes that she thinks I will like. We even have a few matching outfits!

She's got a sista's back!

This is my other cousin. She likes to hold hands.

She also REALLY likes hugs...

But Mom only let her hold me for 2 seconds. 2 seconds!!!!??? That's it! 

 Geeeeez! Loosen the reins a little Mom! Goodness grief! 

Maybe Mom should try meditating... you know.... to help her to CHILL OUT! .... Meditating really brings your life back to center and helps you find your zen.

Trust me... I know. 

I'm known as the "Zen Master" around these parts.

"Ohmmmm. Ohmmmm."

My Aunt Shay also came to town and brought 2 of my cousins from Idaho. 

Aunt Shay was fun to snuggle with. 

I have to say... I agree with the great poet Shakespeare. 

In the words of Shakespeare, "Everybody loves a bossom for a pillow. Everybody loves a bosom." 

Amen to that Shakespeare!...Amen to that!

After hours of snuggling Aunt Shay... my cousin finally got her turn.

We had some laughs...

Mom let us eat chips on her bed..... That was a HUGE mistake!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. 

We watched movies and just hung out.

It was a great day. 

And this is how my days are spent.....

I have also dubbed every Wednesday as "One Sock Wednesday". I have a feeling this trend is here to stay. Feel free to join in. 

On a side note.... somebody needs to come over and show Mom how to put a bow on my head the proper way. This bow placement feels more like a hat my jewish friends wear. 

Her sense of "Dalley style" is lacking......

Oh yeah!!!!! I almost forgot.... 

It was my birthday. You know what that means!.....

5 Days Old

1 Month Old

2 Months Old

3 Months Old

4 Months Old 

5 Months Old
6 Months Old

 Here's a side by side.....

1 Month and 1 lb 12 oz.
6 Months and 9 lb 12 oz.

Mind.... blown....  Am I right?

Well... Dad says it's time for me to go to bed. I'm not happy about it, and as usual... I am telling him all about it. but....I will continue my dialogue another day. 

Sleep tight friends. 


  1. That Shakespeare quote... Dalley is a master of many talents!

  2. So happy to see more pictures and your update ! Insane how much she has grown. I can't believe she ALREADY 6 months old. Keep up the good work! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. What a sweet girl. She has really grown. So happy things are going as well as they are. Always in my prayers!!

  4. Love her!!! 💗💗💗

  5. Hi friend! Great update as usual and so happy you are home. It sounds like things are still really busy with all the appointments...are you driving up to the U for everything? Is the pulse ox driving you nuts?? I hope you are getting some rest, but you are probably not! You are a darling family and I can't wait to meet her soon! Sending lots of love and will get easier I promise!

  6. I love seeing that smile! And pictures of Shayanne just made me crazy homesick for Gilbert Girls. I love you!!! Kisses for Dalley! MUA!
