Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter from Dalley

Happy Easter!

Well friends......

It has been a really great week.

Last Tuesday was my due date. As promised, I got some cupcakes in my dinner. My mom sure knows how to hold true to her promises when "carbs" are involved.

At first I was a little upset on my due date. Mom told me that she was going to be able to come to my party, but she didn't come because of her pink eye disease. Sooo.... Dad wasn't able to come and neither was mom.  

And to top it off..... they put me in a DRESS!!!!! 

I'm more of a "jeans and t-shirt" kind of gal.... 

So... I threw a fit. But... then I realized I was actually "rockin" the dress look, so me and my nurse Amy had a mini photo shoot.


Beatrice the Spy is quite the photo bomber!

Hey Macarena!

Amy really knows how to throw a SWEEEET party!

She invited some new friends to my party and they've still been sticking around.

 They seem to be the kind of friends that when you invite them over to your house.... they just  don't seem to get the hint and NEVER....LEAVE! 

It's not too bad though. I actually really like them.

There goes Beatrice again!

Well after my party they checked my eyes again. I was not pleased with the results....

Now my ROP is at stage 2!!

It's still not "scary" enough for the doctors to intervene so they are just going to continue to watch it every week. This means.... more eye tests. Bleh!

This week they also weaned my ventilator setting down from a 7 to a 6. As I expected.... I'm kicking butt! 


They will probably try to wean my settings down again in a few more days. 

So.... for the past few months I have had a minor "personal" issue that just WILL NOT go away. I have hesitated to say anything because some people just don't like to get "up-close and personal". 

So.... to prevent offending any of the "sensitive salley's" out there, I'll spare you the details. But I will say that my issue rhymes with "pie-arrhea"... and has been causing some sores in my lower extremities. Everyone is really racking their brains trying to figure out why this is happening. I wish they would figure it out soon, because this certain area is in PAIN and mom has to sit and "hold open" the wound site in order to "dry it out"..... and let me tell you..... that is NOT how a girl wants to spend her days. 

Sorry for the over-share. I'll stop now.

So, I've really been trying to push myself in my workouts. My lates move is a "push-up".  I'm up to about 1.

Concentration is key!

Just a little further........


Ain't NOTHING gonna break my stride! Nobody gonna slow ME down! Oh No! I've got to keep on moooooving!

Working out is really exhausting.... but... I gotta keep working on my gains!!! 

On Friday my Dad FINALLY got to come see me!!!! He hadn't been able to come see me for 3 whole weeks!!! 

I was so happy! 

But sometimes he has these sharp things on his face that bug me when he kisses my head.

Dad only got to stay on Friday night. But I AM SOOOO EXCITED... because Dad is going to get to spend all next week with me! Mom is really excited too. I'm praying this next week goes by so fast!

Until then, this is how I get to talk to Dad every night.

On Saturday my Mom and Dad both went on a trip without me. They went to Idaho to brand our cows. I was a little sad they had to go without me, but they promised that next year I will get to go.. and they also said they would let me ride a pony!!!!

Branding is the highlight of the year in the ranching world. I think in the eyes of some folks... it's a holiday.

Friends and family come together to get the job done. But.. supposedly it doesn't feel much like work. 

I gotta tell ya.... I can't wait for next year when I get to go!

This is my home. This is some of my family.

Country kids are the coolest kids. 

Mom tells me that the reason she was so old when she got married is because she was just waiting to meet my Dad...... buuuuut.... I think this might have something to do with it as well. 

Here's Dad roping a calf!

I see another photo bomber in our midst....

This cow had hurt feet. So they were trying to rope it to help her.

Here's Dad roping a big cow. Her toenails were way too long and they had to cut them for her. 

For those of you that don't know what a dally is..... This is it. 

The dally is the anchor.

Someday.... this picture will have me in it... and I'll be riding my own pony!

And next year... there will be one more kid on that couch!!! ME!!!!! 

Here we go. 
Another day.
Another week.
Another snuggle.

It's the little things in life that I can't wait to do. 

Happy Easter. 
This life has been hard so far... and yet so amazing. The best part is... this life isn't the end.

But... I sure plan to enjoy it a whole lot while I'm here.

And that is going to be for a very... very long time.


  1. Happy Easter to you and your family also Dalley!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful due date party!!! Thank goodness for technology so you get to see your dad every night, I'm sure it's hard not to snuggle him but it has to make you both feel better to get to see him! At least your mom is able to come stay with you each day as long as she keeps away from those pink eyes right?!? I am so excited to see pictures of you next year on the ponies with your mom and dad helping with branding season. That's the best part of living in the country, being able to ride and enjoy things even if it's supposed to be work. Thanks for the update I will keep praying your eyes stay at a 2 now we don't want any higher dang it. Pray for you daily and look forward to your updates they are the highlight of my day when I see them! Have a wonderful week!!!!! Much love and hugs!!!!!

  2. Dalley, I pray for you and your family every day! It will be the greatest day ever when you get to snuggle with mom and dad every night. You have a wonderful mom and dad. Keep up the good work sweetie and thanks for sharing with us. I hope your week is the best! Love ya!

  3. I loved seeing all the pics of Dally and hearing all the great things going on in the family!
    Your messages are amazing! I love them so much! Thank you for sharing them ... even the diarrhea message �� Love to you all ❌⭕️

  4. This whole post had me in tears! Dalley in a little dress- be still my heart! Daddy getting to love on baby- be still my heart! Mom and Dad with family out in God's
    Country- those are beautiful pictures! I love to see your smile, Lacey! What a beautiful family and a pretty place. I'm so excited for Dalley to get there. It's coming. I had her in my mind yesterday as I thought about Easter and life coming back to the earth during the springtime. You've brought that little life to earth, Lacey and Adam. And she's already affected so many people, carved out a place in so many hearts, Love to you all. Don't forget to call me when you want your digs cleaned! I hope Dalley has a great week and that the eye tests and the "sensitive area" improve ;)


    You are doing a great job
