Sunday, April 30, 2017

Up For The Challenge

Hi everyone! 
Dalley here. 

I would like to start today by reciting a haiku that I wrote. 

Monitors beeping
In the NICU I remain.
Release is coming.
-Dalley Raye Garfield

Thank you..... ! Thank you.....! Thank you......!
No applause please!!!!

Well folks.... mom is officially MAD! She found some baby pictures of my Dad and she is NOT HAPPY!!!!!

Turns out.... the nurses are right. I look just like my Dad.

Here is the evidence....



I don't know how to bring comfort to this poor lady. I tried to remind her that we have a lot in common too! For example....

Mom likes Diet Coke...... I like Diet coke!
Mom takes naps..... I take naps!
Mom gets mad when she gets hungry..... I also get mad when I get hungry!
(You should have seen the MELTDOWN Mom had the other day in the NICU when her sandwich got locked in the parent room.) OOOOOH BOY!!!! IT WAS A DOOZIE!

Despite my efforts.... she's still kinda sad. What a cry baby.....

 I did it. I hit 4 months old. I am officially the old lady in the NICU. 

With my 4 month birthday came  A LOT of changes in my world. The medical staff is really pushing me physically. But..... I am up for the challenge. 

I've recruited Beatrice to help me with my training. 

The workouts are grueling. Beatrice is always saying to me.. "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"

I gotta tell ya..... I have no idea what she means. I don't know how to tell her that the phrase is never going to take off. 

Either way... the training progresses.

As you can see... all of my hard work is paying off.

The expectations have been set.  There are several rooms in the NICU. Room 1 is attached to the operating room by a window. When babies are born... they are passed through the window into room 1. From here... the awesome doctors and nurses start working their magic. Room 1 is the most critical care. I was in room 1 for about 1 month. 

After room 1.... comes...... room 2. (Shocker)
Room 2 is called the "Very Low Birthweight Room". Some babies skip room 2 (if their birthweights aren't VERY LOW). I clearly did not skip room 2. 

As I was only 1 lb 2 oz when I was born....... in case you forgot.

After room 2 comes rooms 3 - 8. And then..... the ISLAND!!! 

The Island is where babies go RIGHT before they are ready to get home.


Just kidding.......

*wink *wink
But I did finally move out of room 2! I have moved to room 3. I'll probably stay here until I go to the Island. 

I dream about that day. 

But I digress..... As I mentioned before..... there are several things that have to take place before I can go home and the hospital staff is setting the expectation and pushing me. 

My oxygen requirements have weaned down enough that they told me I now have to start learning to eat by mouth. .......


.... ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?!?!? 

And serious they were. The task seems daunting to say the least....

But there's no turning back now. I've gotta get outa here! I've got dreams! I've got goals! I've got places to go! People to meet! Hit songs to write!

Because I don't know what you've been told......

But this gal right here is gonna rule the world...

I don't want to just sit still and look pretty!

So these are my goals..... I need to be able to breathe better on my own.... and I need to be able to do all of the eating by myself.

Once I tackle those things.... 

I'll finally be able to come home and hang out with Mom and Dad ALL DAY! 

My sneaky nurse Lisa has started putting diapers on my when I'm in the bath so I don't poop in my water.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE baths!?

...and how much I love daddy?

Oh... I almost forgot! Here's my pictures with my elephant to include my 4 month birthday. 

5 days

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months and 7 lbs!

"The Adams Family.... duh duh duh duh... *snap *snap..."
Before I forget.... My Great (double meaning there) Aunts are throwing me a baby shower in Inkom, ID. on Saturday May 13. (Why they call them showers... I'll never know. Baths are much more fun than showers). It's at 11:00 AM at my family ranch in Inkom... open house style. They wanted me to invite anyone that's bored and in the area to come if they want. Granted.... I will not be there... so attend at your own risk. (Message my Mom or my Aunts or my Great Aunts for the address.) 

-May 13
11:00 AM
Gilbert Ranch

Good night beautiful world. Someday I will view you from more than just my window in my cell. 


  1. Oh sweet Dalley girl!!!! I am so excited to see how well you are doing! You got this baby girl, you can get the hang of eating and breathing on your own I know it. You're a fighter and have so many people in your corner fighting with you! Your mom and dad will be there to help you I'm sure if that. You have gotten so big, I am so glad to see you growing to the point mommy and daddy can hold you more and more. I pray for you and your sweet family daily. Much love and hugs to you and your amazing family!!!!! Can't wait to see the next update!!!!

  2. What a girl! Keep going, you're almost there. You are so beautiful, and you have stolen so many hearts. You are lucky to have such great parents Dalley! Love you little one!

  3. Gotta love it !!! The comparable pictures are such reminders of how far you have all come. So very blessed.❤️❤️❤️

  4. She's so fat and it's so beautiful!!! Chunky baby!!!!! I've been meaning to check in- when was the weekend you were thinking of coming down to Springville, Lacey? Shoot me a text and I'll reserve a Saturday morning to clean your kitchen, bathroom, whatever! I would love to get to do something for this beautiful chubs and her braver-than-warriors parents!

  5. She's got some beautiful rolls. I love it. Love her. Love you
