Monday, April 10, 2017

My Due Date

Hello! Greetings from the NICU

I decided to take over the update for this week. Mom gets waaaaaay to serious sometimes.

So, Mom got kicked out of the NICU yesterday. She has something called "pink-eye". I don't know what this is, but I don't know how anything can be thaaaat bad that is called "pink-eye". Pink is one of my favorite colors. But... as it is, she hasn't been able to come see me for a few days. She went to the doctor and they gave her some medicine so she can come see me tomorrow.

Speaking of mom..... I heard she told all of you that I'm "progressing slowly".

Ummmmmm...... Excuuuuuuuuse me?!?!.....................

I'd like to see how fast YOU would be progressing if you were born weighing only 1 pound.

Cut me some slack. Okay?

In reality... I am progressing as fast as I can. All of those infections early on have really set me back. BUT, just today they weaned my ventilator setting down from an 8 to a 7. They tried that last week and I didn't do so well.... but so far so good this time!


Many people are asking about the status of my eyes. The ROP is staying at bay. My blood vessels are still growing but the ROP is still only Stage 1. No progression is good news.

But.... the doctors are still keeping a close "eye" on it. ......And I'm still keeping my "eye" on them. 

Heh... Heh.....Heh.... See what I did there?

Later this week they are going to check my heart again to see how my PDA is looking... and to check to see if my pulmonary hypertension is getting worse. I'm praying that all goes well with that.

And I also now weigh 5 lb 12 oz. Soooo close to being 6 lbs!!!

Go Me Go!

Here's the really big news of the week. Tomorrow is my original due date. It seems really weird that I "technically" should still be swimming inside my mom's uterus. When I was little I thought it was the "belly", but growing up in the hospital thus far has really helped me learn proper anatomical vocabulary. 

Anyway.... back to the topic at hand.... tomorrow is my due date! Instead of being sad..... we are going to PAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTTY!

I just want to rock and roll all night! And party every day! 

I think a future as a successful singer/songwriter is pending in my future.... DON'T YOU? 

I'm also going to request my party be a costume party. Here are my final choices for my costume. What do you think?

And this thing has still been hanging around my bed. I think it's a spy. Either way... I'm going to invite it to my party. I've named her Beatrice.

 Some other cool things have happened lately.... I have got to meet and spend more time with my Grandma and Grandpa Garfield... and my great Grandpa Thurston. I had to chastise mom and dad because they forgot to get a picture with me and my Grandpa. Next time!

Great Grandpa Fred

Grandma Marilyn!

Holding hands with Grandpa Jay!
It was so awesome to spend time with them!

And my Aunt Shell came to see me .......and after begging my mom to let her hold me... my mom finally said Yes!!!! But about 5 seconds into our snuggle sessions.... mom had a minor panic attack and made her put me back. It might be a while before mom feels brave enough to let anyone else hold me.  Geez. What a nervous Nelly. 

I'm trying to look as adorable as possible so I can sucker Aunt Shell into buying me more books.

But it was still awesome. And Aunt Rachelle cried. 

Lately, my new hobbies include eating Diet Coke Creamies or.... milk suckers.

Sucking on my pacifier......... 

Trying out big kid toys.........

Listening to "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on repeat........

Blowing spit bubbles....


And playing with Snapchat on mom's phone.

Boy... we sure have a good time here.

Also... My hair is finally starting to grow back. Mom says it's blonde. I think that's "wishful thinking". But we won't break her heart just yet. All of the nurses tell her that I look like Dad so she was really hoping for me to have blonde hair.

Buuuutttt.... she might lose in the hair color department as well.
Shucks for Mom.

Well... that's it for me for today. Until next time. .....

Here are some kisses for my friends and family.

And I give you permission to eat a cupcake tomorrow to celebrate my "failed" due date. I'm sure I'll be getting a cupcake with my dinner too!



  1. Love love this update!!!! Glad to hear your doing so well Dalley thanks for letting us know!!!! I hope your day is amazing tomorrow and I think you should be the giraffe!!!! Hope your mom gets better soon so she can visit soon. Praying for you always!!!! Much love

  2. I love reading your updates! I check often to see if they are new. You crack me up. The giraffe picture is my favorite. Love you Lacey

  3. So sweet!! I love how you match up pics to the story!! Happy "suppose to be" birthday Dalley!!

  4. You are awesome! Thanks for the cute update, made my day! You three are always in my prayers, love ya!


  6. Lacey and Adam...Dalley is so beautiful. Wish her a happy due date birthday and give her a big hug from me! Don't you just cherish every tender mercy and miracle! Thank you so much for sharing your journey. We love you all!

  7. That is the cutest thing I have ever heard or seen. A book for Dalley is in the making. Love you all!
