Sunday, December 11, 2016

I sometimes wish I were a more private person. The kind of person who is mysterious. The kind of person that can be walking through their own person Hell.... and you wouldn't know it because when you see them, they don't feel the need to wear their emotions so openly, or to talk about it for that matter.

Turns out...... I'm not that person. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. When people ask me "how are you?", I have no qualms with replying openly and honestly with, "I've been better."

I have always been a bit this way. Right or wrong... it's how I am. I can tell when I make people feel uncomfortable when I talk about things that they prefer I didn't. But the honest truth is... I think I need people. I need love and friendship on my dark and hard days. I need your strong shoulders to bolster me up when I am completely out of strength.

So here's another honest truth about me.



Adam and I found out in July that we are pregnant. This is our fourth time being pregnant. Our fourth time peeing on a stick and seeing two pink lines. The only thing that makes this time different than the first 3 pregnancies, is that we WERE NOT trying to get pregnant. The truth is, I didn't think it was possible for us to get pregnant on our own (more on that another day), and yet here we are. 

I'll never forget that July day. Buying a pregnancy test. Going home. Taking the test and seeing two pink lines. My immediate reaction was that of excitement, but my logical brain quickly took over and my excitement turned to fear. Fear then turned to terror. 

What was I afraid of? And what am I still afraid of at this point in time? = PREECLAMPSIA.

We had triplets on December 4, 2015. I was only 20 weeks pregnant when it was discovered that I had developed such a severe case of preeclampsia that my organs were beginning to fail and I was at a risk of having a stroke or seizure at any moment. 

The decision had to be made to deliver the girls in order to save my life. To date, it was the hardest decision we have ever had to make. It's a decision I still think about and battle myself with on a daily basis. 20 weeks is way too early for a baby to survive so we named them Faith, Hope and Charity. They are our angels. 

But the thing is.... when you've had preeclampsia before, you are more likely to get it again. The likelihood of it returning is also contingent upon how severe you got it the first time and also how early in your pregnancy you got it. For me... it was VERY severe and VERY early.

This brings me to today.

I am now almost 23 weeks pregnant and my body is showing early signs of getting preeclampsia again. My blood pressure is starting to rise.  High blood pressure is one of the first signs of preeclampsia. My doctor (who I LOVE), Dr. Draper, has me on blood pressure medication and I am being monitored on a weekly basis for the signs that follow high blood pressure (protein in my urine, rapid weight gain and swelling). 

I am scared. I am worried. I need help.

These days I rely on the faith and positivity of others more than I want to admit. I am asking for your faith. I am asking for your prayers. I am asking for your positive thoughts and affirmations. I don't care your religious affiliation or lack thereof.. I am asking for help. 

My latest doctor appointment was on Friday, December 9, 2016. My doctor told me that he does believe I will get preeclampsia again. He also said he believes that he hopes and believes I will be able to make it to 30 weeks in my pregnancy. I realize that 30 weeks is a premature birth but I know that so much can be done to help babies born after 30 weeks that they can survive. 30 weeks and a baby can survive. 

So here I am writing about it. I was told that I need an outlet and a place to write down my feelings. The truth is, I have been wanting to write about my experiences for a long time. I have feared doing so for so many reasons. But right now, our/my need for your support far exceed my fear of being judged or making someone else feel uncomfortable. 

For anyone that cares to follow us on our new adventure, I will post updates here as I have them. 

In the meantime, we will take all of the help we can get. 
Thanks for the love and support.

-Adam and Lacey


  1. You got this and everything will be just the way god intended. You have many awesome Angels with you I have to have faith that this time is for you.

  2. OMGoodness my dear Lacey! Congratulations. Thank you for sharing your journey. Thank you for asking for help. I will keep in in my prayers. Additionally, I will put your name in the Ft. Lauderdale Temple every Friday. Let the power of the priesthood permeate your entire being and believe that the creator of heaven and earth will bless you and your baby girl. Do not fear, just believe. Proverbs 3:5-6. I love you girl!!

  3. Love you so so much!! Our prayers are with you! This little girl is getting some pretty amazing parents! :)
    Faith, Hope & Charity are watching over you and this cute new girl!!

  4. Since I don't have facebook I'm totally out of the loop on all things lacey. Talie shared this with me and I am so heartbroken for your losses but so overwhelmed with joy at the fact you are pregnant again. You have been given some extremely difficult trials but I have no doubt you will prevail. I miss your jokes and all your laughs. Love you, whitney

  5. Oh Lacey! A million bazillion prayers for you and your little girl are headed your way! I'm so excited and nervous for you! You keep wearing your heart on your sleeve, it's good for you and it's good for all of us. Love you Lace!

  6. Good luck lady! I will be following along, praying for your little lady and your preeclampsia. I appreciate how honest you are, you make me less scared to face my own stuff.

  7. Lacey! We are so happy to hear of your surprise pregnancy. One thing I kept thinking of while reading your post was: "Miracles come after the trial of our faith." We will be praying for your sweet family. ❤️ Jeff and Kayci bitton

  8. Lacey I can answer any NICU/premature questions you have since, well, I am a NICU nurse and almost a neonatal NP. It sounds like your doctor is on top of it which is the best thing ever. I'll be praying for you and I'm here for you if you have any questions!

  9. I worked with DR Draper as his MA about eight years ago at the UOf U Hospital. I loved him! You are in great hands. I hope all goes well. Dustin and I will be praying for you.
    -Lauren Stuart

  10. Our prayers are with you Lacey! Hugs and prayers! Love you!

  11. I am so happy for you and Adam!!! We will pray for you and follow your progress and rejoice when she makes it here safe and sound. 30 weeks does not sound as scary to me as it does to others. In fact it gives me great hope for you! I had a 30 week old baby boy. No one knows to this day WHY he came at 30 weeks. But now he is 19 years old and serving a mission in California! He is small in stature but HUGE in personality. Miracles happen and I am praying for one for you!!! Love you both!!!! ~Jackie

  12. I am so excited for you guys! I see miracles on a daily basis working in L&D. I have faith and hope that you will be able to have and witness your own. We love you guys. Let us know if you need anything.

  13. Thank you for sharing your story Lacey. God always has the perfect plan! I will be praying for you and your precious baby girl.

  14. Oh Lacey and Adam I cannot express enough how sorry I am that you are having to deal with such a heart wrenching situation! You are so strong! The strength you two have shines from you! I will pray my guts out for you and your sweet baby girl! Let's get her here healthy and safe! My prayers and love are with you!

  15. Congratulations Lacey and Adam. I hope and pray all goes well this time around. You are such a strong couple. You're in our prayers. We love you guys. ♡
    Joni Brammer

  16. We are so very happy for you both! Hang in there pretty lady! I know you will be parents. I just feel it. We love you! :) Michelle and Greg Nickerson

  17. I think of you guys often, and every time I do I wish we could spend more time together. Because let's face it, you're pretty amazing! You are such an encouragement and have such an amazing testimony of strength...even during this time of fear and uncertainty. Take one step at a time, one day at a time, and God -willing before you know it, you'll be at 30 weeks and then beyond. I'll continue to think of you often and look forward to reading your posts. Much love, Ame.

  18. Lacey I know I tell you this everyday- but you are amazing, you are kind and I am praying for a miracle. There isn't 1 days that goes by that I don't think of you, how scared you must be, how you will do anything for this precious baby girl, and how you are hopeful. When I see a little glimpse of happy and excited in you (or your blood pressure is low :) I want to jump out of my chair...Your name has been on the prayer roll for as long as I have known and it will continue to be there. There is this amazing plan. I don't know every detail of it, but I am certain it will be all worth it. Love you so much Lacey girl!! Love- Kristan Carter (Using Brains google account to post ..hehe

  19. sending prayers and love from a mom with two angel babies and a 23 weeker that is 20months and perfect! All will be well.

  20. Prayers going up in your behalf. Love you. Stay strong!

  21. I nearly jumped out of my bed I'm so happy for you! You've got this!! This life is made of trials but it is also made of sweet moments and miracles! People in heaven and on earth are cheering you on!

  22. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way. I pray that this little girl will be your perfect rainbow baby!

  23. You are so strong! And I know you have tried and probably done everything you can think of but have you tried aroma life essential oils or ylang ylang essential oil. Both are supposed to help lower high blood pressure and both are safe during pregnancy. Just a thought. I am praying for you and your beautiful baby girl!

  24. You and your family are most certainly in our prayers! Your courage, faith, and support will not fail you! There is a plan and although we may never fully appreciate nor understand it, it will lead you most certainly where you need to be! Love, good health, positivity, comfort and happiness is being sent your way!

  25. You're family is in my prayers. I happen to work with Dr. Draper in L&D at U and he is an amazing doctor. You guys are in great hands!!!

  26. I don't know you, but I just saw your blog and I was so touched. I have never lost a child and I can't imagine what you are going through. I just called and put the names "Adam, Lacey, & Baby, on the Bountiful Temple prayer roll. Last Saturday I lost my husband and then Wednesday my mother died. It was such a shock to have my husband die, I'm numb & can't comprehend that he is gone. My mother was 90 and has been praying for years that she could go be with my father who died 25 years ago, so it was a blessing. But I am going to miss her so much, especially now I have lost my sweetheart and my best friend. I know they are so happy, it is just us left behind that have to struggle, dig deep, and keep on.
    I will follow your blog. I will pray for you. Pray, Read your Scriptures, Have Faith in the Lord. Remember, He knows you, He loves you and He will lift you up and give you what you need if you will let Him. He loves you and your husband so much and Oh how he loves that Baby of yours. Trust in Him and when things get too much to bear---give your worries and fears over to Him.

    1. Sweet lacey....i still remember you as a fun loving, energetic little girl. Your heart is as big as the world. I'm so sorry to read of your struggles. I know a portion of your pain.....but I've been blessed enough to have 4 children to hold after the loss. Im praying for you. I believe with my whole soul that the man who raised the dead, brought sight to the blind, watched the lame stand and walk after being blessed by him still lives. He still hears. He still does all of those things. I will pray for a miracle Like those to come to you.....and that you'll be able to keep this sweet baby.
      Evelyn was my young women's leader. She speaks from the sweetest, most personal part of her soul when she says keep going. I know her loss in this world has been great. Somehow she still keeps inspiring us in spite of her own sorrow. My love, faith and prayers are with both of you💟 - Kathie Olson Steinagel

    2. Sweet lacey....i still remember you as a fun loving, energetic little girl. Your heart is as big as the world. I'm so sorry to read of your struggles. I know a portion of your pain.....but I've been blessed enough to have 4 children to hold after the loss. Im praying for you. I believe with my whole soul that the man who raised the dead, brought sight to the blind, watched the lame stand and walk after being blessed by him still lives. He still hears. He still does all of those things. I will pray for a miracle Like those to come to you.....and that you'll be able to keep this sweet baby.
      Evelyn was my young women's leader. She speaks from the sweetest, most personal part of her soul when she says keep going. I know her loss in this world has been great. Somehow she still keeps inspiring us in spite of her own sorrow. My love, faith and prayers are with both of you💟 - Kathie Olson Steinagel

    3. Sweet lacey....i still remember you as a fun loving, energetic little girl. Your heart is as big as the world. I'm so sorry to read of your struggles. I know a small portion of your pain.....but I've been blessed enough to have 4 children to hold after the loss. Im praying for you. I believe with my whole soul that the man who raised the dead, brought sight to the blind, watched the lame stand and walk after being blessed by him still lives. He still hears. He still does all of those things. I will pray for a miracle Like those to come to you.....and that you'll be able to keep this sweet baby.
      Evelyn was my young women's leader. She speaks from the sweetest, most personal part of her soul when she says keep going. I know her loss in this world has been great. Somehow she still keeps inspiring us in spite of her own sorrow. My love, faith and prayers are with both of you💟 - Kathie Olson Steinagel

  27. All I can say girl is you are loved so much by so many. I think of you often I wear my Faith, Hope, Joy shirt regularly. You continually amaze me with your strength even though I can imagine it is so hard to stay strong always.I just love the sweet spirit you have always had you've been a shining spiritual example to me since High School (I may not have followed it)�� Can you believe I've been Relief Society President now for a year?! It's true when they say someone's always watching. Great things come from prayer! And I know great things are in store for you my friend! I love you and will keep you close in thought and prayer.

  28. I went to school with your sister Shayanne. I have seen you a few times but I am sure you probably dot remember me. However, I want you to know my heart hurts for all the trials you've faced. And even though you don't know me, you are a huge example to me. My family and I will pray for you everyday. May our Heavely Father be with you every step of the way.

  29. I'm so excited for you Lacy! Stay in there as long as you can baby girl. We are anticipating your safe arrival. You are all in my prayers and I will light some Candles at church for you next week. Love you!!

  30. I don't know you but my heart aches for you. I will pray you and your baby. Stay strong! You can make it!❤️

  31. Adam and Lacey,

    Your vulnerability is astounding. God is looking out for you. He is mindful of you. And I know you will see Faith, Hope and Charity again. My sister Ruth was still born 5 years ago due to a condition called anencephaly. She is my guardian angel! And I will see her again! If you haven't, find the Mormon missionaries. Their message will change your life. Here are a few scriptures that always bring me comfort: Hebrews 3:6, Psalm 34:4, 2 Nephi 31:20, Alma 40:23, 2Nephi 1:15, Jude1:2. Your family is in my prayers! Here's a quote that brings me comfort as well: Keep trying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep growing, heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever!

    Your fellow fighter
