Wednesday, December 14, 2016

WEEELLLLL........ saddle up partner. The ride is about to start.

I came to the hospital today due to elevated blood pressures. While here they began monitoring me for other signs of preeclampsia. The diagnosis became official today. I have preeclampsia again.
Much less severe than last year, but it has shown its ugly head.

I will be in the hospital until the baby is born. We are hoping that she can continue cooking for a lot longer but the reality is that preeclampsia can get worse... really fast. Or it can slowly present itself. Time will only tell. In the mean time, I feel grateful that I am here st the University of Utah. I feel grateful that I have amazing medical care professionals that care about me and my baby. I have absolute confident in my doctor and in the NICU staff.

I want to write more on this tomorrow and the details of today in more depth, but I also just wanted to let our friends and family know the circumstances. Also..... this is my excuse for not buying you a Christmas present. 😬

Send some positive thoughts our way please. We need you now more than ever. And send some prayers for Adam too. He's got finals tomorrow and Friday and isn't here with me. I know he's feeling spread thin with wanting to be here with us but also realizing he needs to do well on his last two exams. I love that crazy boy of mine.

Thanks for the love. We've got this!

That was my last blood pressure. I'm going to call that a win. *mic drop!


  1. We are praying for all three of you. I just wanted to let you know that. Love, Erin and Charley Hatch

  2. Sending you loads of love, strength and good vibes!! You've got this! Love you!

  3. Hey Adam and Lacey,
    Shantel and I are so excited for your pregnancy news yet so saddened and worried about your current situation. Know that we are just a phone call away if you guys need anything, seriously, you can call if you guys need. The three of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Shawn and Shantel

  4. Oh you sweet family! So sorry that you are going through this! We love you and are praying like crazy for you! Your sweet little girl will get here safe and sound!
