Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas from Dalley

 Merry Christmas from Dalley!

I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. It was an unsettling and familiar feeling that took us back to a year ago. I went into the hospital pregnant. I came out of the hospital no longer pregnant.  Leaving the hospital without our baby felt like a loss... again. We sobbed. We kept chanting to ourselves through broken tears, "She's okay. She's still here..... She's okay. She's still here."

We drove back home for the evening to do laundry and pack the items we would need for our stay at the Ronald McDonald house in Salt Lake City.

I called the hospital 4 times throughout the night to make sure she was okay. Each time I was convinced I was going to get some devastating news. Each time I was wrong. I hope this continues to be the case.

We arrived at the Ronald McDonald house this morning and got settled in. This place is amazing. Rooms are provided. Food is provided. We have been blown away at people's generosity.

We spent most of the afternoon and evening with our little girl. What a great day it has been!

We each got to hold her! I use the word "hold" loosely... in the fact that she was placed in our open hands long enough to take a picture and then immediately put back down. But those few seconds opened up a piece of our hearts and I know it is a moment that neither of us will forget.

(I have a picture of me holding her as well, but she isn't wearing a diaper and I didn't want to expose her lady bits on the world wide web. She'll thank me for that later I'm sure.)
The nurse also helped Dalley give us a little Christmas present. I put a quarter up there for size reference.

We also took some pictures with some of the Christmas presents that she was given.

Adam said, "She's as small as the elephant!" and then started laughing at the irony of the statement. 

Today was a good day. Her nurse today told us what a good day it was today. She also said that she is doing as well as anyone could expect from a 24 week old baby.

She also assured me that the hard days are coming. That there will be days when the outcome looks pretty grim. But to hold on to and enjoy the good days when they are here.

I remembered today the feeling I got when I first saw her. How much it scared me. How certain I was that she wasn't going to make it and in a way I was subconsciously trying to hold back my love for her. I think it was in self preservation. But my ability to hold any of that back has been destroyed by this deceivingly powerful tiny human. She has our whole hearts and we will shower her with all the love we have to give.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. I'm grateful for another tiny baby that was born many years ago. I'm asking for his help as we endure this journey with our Christmas miracle.

-Love Adam, Lacey and Dalley.

Dalley stats as of December 25, 2016:
-Head circumference: 28 cm
-Stomach circumference: 15 cm
-Length: 28.5 cm (11.2 in)
-Weight: 500 g (1.1 lb)


  1. I got completely giddy when I saw her in Adams arms!! And I loved her gift to you!! I am also thankful for another little baby that once lay in a manger- I continue praying to him, thanking him and keeping him close. Dalley sweety keep getting stronger!! (Kristan)

  2. Dalley is strong like her mom and dad and she has two grandparents guarding over her!! Congratulations you two!! She is beautiful!! Your family is in our prayers! Love you and merry Christmas!
