Sunday, February 19, 2017

60 Days Old

"I turned 60 days old! High Five!" - Dalley

"MOM! Stop with the photos!" - Dalley
(I couldn't decide between captions. :) ) 

Last Tuesday Dalley hit her 8 week mark, or 32 week gestational age. It's weird to keep hitting all of these mile stones that I was unsure we'd make it to a month ago. Weird... and Amazing.

With the milestone of 8 weeks for Dalley, came the day that I had to return to work. Because I haven't been with my company for a year, I did not qualify for any sort of leave besides an 8 week leave. With as difficult as that realization has been, my place of employment has been really amazing to work with me. They have arranged for me to work out of our Salt Lake office for about 5 hours every morning. I am still only 15 minutes away from the hospital and I'm able to get up there ever afternoon around 2 pm.

"I am sooo sick of this tape on my face." - Dalley

Dalley has been clear of her infection since Tuesday. Her 4th (and hopefully final) PICC line was removed and she stopped all antibiotics. Right now they are trying to wean her on her sedation medication (Morphine and Ativan) because they are thinking she will be ready for extubation within the week. Her last chest x-ray showed a vast improvement with her lungs.

This week she also started wearing clothes! Our nurse, Lisa, told me that she was going to see if they had any that would fit her. I said, "Find her a cute one!"... to which she replied, "right now there is only one clean one that will fit her!" ..... and that one still drowns on her, but it was so amazing to see her in clothes. Another one of those milestones that I wasn't sure we'd hit. Another milestone that makes her look more like a baby,  rather than the sick preemie she is.

"Hey Mom.... 1990 called and they want this outfit back." - Dalley

Scandalous "off-the-shoulder" look

I've also got to hold her quite a bit more. As long as she is stable with her oxygen saturations and having a good day, then I get to hold her anywhere from an hour to 3 hours. I LOVE getting to hold her but it's also difficult because I am always afraid that if I move, I will pull on her trachea tube and in my mind that causes a major catastrophe so I cramp up quite quickly. Someday I'll be able to snuggle this little one without tubes and cords. Someday I'll be able to pick her up out of the crib and hold her on my own. As it is now, it still takes a team to get her positioned.

I also am not sure.... but sometimes I think I can see a small dimple on her left cheek. This could also just be wishful thinking. I always wanted dimples when I was a kid.... I wanted them so badly that a few times I tried to "make them" myself with the blunt end of a sewing needle. But... with or without the dimple.... this little chunked out baby is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

As of last night she weighed 2 lb 15 oz! We are 1 oz away from having a "chunky" 3 pound baby. But also, as of last night, her belly is FULL of air again. I sincerely think it's from the milk fortification. I think they agreed with me, because last night they went back to just plain breast milk to see if it helps with her distended belly. I'm trying my best to help her gain weight by eating as many cupcakes as I possibly can..... I'm such an awesome mom. Always willing to take one for the team.

Yesterday she got her 2 month old immunizations. She tolerated it quite well. I think the poor girl is getting used to all of the needle sticks. It seems like old news to her lately.

These little babies in the NICU are seriously amazing. Every day I am blown away by their strength. We've made some amazing friends in here. I've become so emotionally invested in other people's baby's that I cry when they have bad days and cheer when they have little victories as well. Some how... I think these little babies are fighters and maybe they help each other through as well.

"Dear God. Please help me and my friends get big and strong. Oh.... and PLEASE help dad to buy me a pony. Amen." -Dalley


  1. Yay for mile stones!!!!!!!! I am so excited to see her looking more and more like a cute everyday baby girl each day!!!!! I pray for her and your family more often than you know and love seeing the updates to hear she is still fighting with all she is!!!! You're family is so strong I can't imagine how hard it is to try to go to school like Adam is or work like you are and not find yourself worried about little miss Dalley! She is with wonderful people who I am sure take wonderful care of her but it's not the same as having mommy and daddy there I am sure. Keep up the wonderful work sweet family and I will keep praying!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think you are right about that dimple! In the high five picture you can see it! I am so excited for her progress. I can hardly believe that she is almost three pounds. We just keep praying for all of you. Please let us know if we can do anything for you. I actually kind of love the ruffle on her bum in her outfit. Fingers crossed for the best week yet

  3. So excited for the weight gain. Keep it up Dalley. She is so darn cute. You're all in my prayers every day. I love reading your updates. Hope you have a great week little one, and mom and dad also!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Super darling ! I love your captions and humor Lacey !!! ❤❤❤

  6. Oh my gosh Lacey, I just love your blog!! I love your captions, and your sense of humor. I am also SO happy that the good days are happening much more often. Dalley is really filling out and she's adorable. 💝

  7. I just love your picture captions, and you! Happy 60 days Dalley!!❤
