Sunday, February 26, 2017

Progress through Dalley's eyes

Hi. I'm Dalley. Many people wonder how to say my name. Correct pronunciation is like valley, but with a "D". Mom says she came up with my name at a rodeo. It's a roping term... I find this funny because mom doesn't rope. Dad sometimes rope. But not a lot.

Apparently I've had a good week. At least, that's what my mom and dad have said. For some reason mom keeps crying. But it's not a sad cry like it was before. It's a happy cry. Dad has even cried a few times.

Here is how my week has gone.

First of all. I had my 2 month birthday! Woo Hoo! My two month birthday was CRAPPY! They thought I was sick again so I spent my birthday getting stuck with more needles and getting more medicine. Mom said she will make up for it when I have my real 1st birthday. I'm hoping that's when I get my pony..... Mom says not yet, buuuuut I bet Dad will say yes.

Since my 2 month birthday they decided that I wasn't sick. This was cause for celebration! My nurse Jane and I had a dance party. She likes to play the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I've got some sweet dance moves.

These are my jazz hands.

This is me doing the sprinkler. (Mom was really good at this move when she was a kid.)

Things got pretty crazy at my party! Raise the roof!

This is my best friend Meela. She's in the NICU too. She was invited to my party. She was actually smaller than I was when she was born. Only 15 oz! Sometimes we call each other and coordinate outfits.

This is Meela in her green bandana.

This is me in my pink bandana.

Since my birthday, I've been feeling much better.

Mom got to give me a bath. I DID NOT LIKE IT...... at first. But after a while I decided the warm water was quite relaxing.

It was sooooo relaxing that I decided to poop in my clean bath water. My nurse Lisa had to get a whole new pan of water. It was hilarious!!!

After my bath I got to snuggle with mom. The only way I have snuggled with mom before was laying on her skin. Truth be told.... sometimes I get tooooo hot. This time I got to snuggle in her arms. She kept staring at me while I was trying to sleep. What. A. Weirdo.

On Friday night Dad got to come see me! I love when Dad comes!

This time he even changed my diaper. 

Yesterday was a really big day. And I mean..... A REALLY BIG DAY!

Notice anything different about me?

Anything at all?????


At first I was really mad. I was crying A LOT! But dad held me and talked to me until I calmed down. This is when Dad started to cry. He made mom wipe his eyes. 

So far I've been doing really good not being extubated. I got to snuggle with Mom and Dad yesterday. Best. Day. Ever!

We even took our first family selfie.

That's been my week in a nut shell. Sometimes it's still really hard in here. The hospital won't let me wear any cute clothes. Some rule about making all clothing go through their own washing regime to keep me healthy. Some friends gave me a REALLY CUTE outfit... and I can't even wear it. Mom even offered to sort through all of the clothes... and they wouldn't budge. Most preemie clothes are too big for me anyway and the nurses tell me that by the time I go home, I won't even be wearing preemie clothes.  

A really nice lady also sent me my first international gift! An octopus for preemies.... And I can't even play with it yet! Mom tried and tried to let them allow me to keep it in my bed with me, but they kept saying the words "bacteria" and "infection" and "sterile"....blah blah blah. So I can't wait to play with it when I get home! I think it will be nice because I might miss all of my cords anyway. 

I'm growing and getting stronger and stronger every day. 

Here is a picture of me with my elephant when I'm 5 days old. 

Here is a picture of me with my elephant when I was a month old.

And here is a picture of me with my elephant on my 2 month birthday.

I know I have along way to go. But I'm up for the challenge.


  1. I cried immediately after the picture of you holding her in your arms. She is getting so big! I marvel at your family's strength

  2. Love love love seeing the world through Dally's eyes!!!! So glad to see things are looking up and your getting lots of snuggle time with mommy and daddy. I pray for you and your sweet family daily. I'm so excited to see Dalley with less tubs then she has had in the past. Thank you for the wonderful pictures and updates!!!!! Hugs!!!

  3. This is very powerful! I'm crying and laughing through the tears. At total awe with amazing pictures. Quite the nugget Dalley is ... She is my miracle warrior. I love you guys. Continue to pray for you and put each of your names in Ft. Lauderdale Temple prayer roll.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ❤❤ I love this, so cute!! She has grown so much. I think she definitely should get a pony!

  6. This whole thing is beautiful! Your daughter, that she is extubated, your family picture. I cried reading this. I am so happy for you all. You are still in our prayers.

  7. Love all the pictures. You are beautiful and so is Dalley

  8. She is filling out and looking wonderful.

  9. This is my favorite post to date! Dalley has a great sense of humor just like her mom. I cried and laughed reading the world through Dalley.

    I'm still waiting for my playdate with you and Dalley. Sending my love.

  10. Dalley is so clever ! I love all the pictures, funny captions and the elephant comparisons . Wow that little one is growing! We have so much to be grateful for! Thanks for sharing Dalley.❤❤❤

  11. I 💗 The Family Selfie!!! So PERFECT!!! I can't wait to meet this sweet little fighter!!! 💗💗💗

  12. This is too precious! I hope you have a way to print off this blog and have it as a journal! Seriously the cutest! Way to grow this week, Dalley! Such a sweet girl!! The world awaits to meet you, Dalley!!

  13. Lacey, you have talent. I could just hear that sweet Dalley saying those words. She is the cutest ever. Prayers are still said every day for Dalley and mom and dad. So happy that this little angel is growing and doing so well. Keep up the good work sweetie! Again, thanks for sharing. I look forward to your updates.

  14. This is so awesome! What a beautiful family! You are always in our prayers. Thank you for sharing your journey. You're such an inspiration to all of us. Sending hugs!

  15. I can't be more excited every time I open your blog and see a new post. I love your family and I don't even know you! I keep you in my prayers always and feel the Lord's power supporting you and blessing you. I pray the hurdles you have left to jump will be numbered and that you can see through to the end of every day with more hope and energy than the day before. Keep on keeping!<3

  16. I love Dalley and her spunk and sass. :). Those dance moves. I was so excited I got to see her!!!
