Monday, February 13, 2017

My World

"All the great ones start out sucking their thumbs." -Rachelle Gilbert (Dalley's aunt and former thumb sucker)

We have honestly had the best weekend with little Dalley. The past 3 weekends, Adam has only been able to come up on Friday night and then he leaves on Saturday morning. School has been very demanding this semester and he has needed the weekends to study. But this weekend was different. He had to meet his class in Salt Lake at the capital building early this morning, so he just stayed here the whole weekend. It was awesome.

Dalley has been acting more herself since she has been on the antibiotics. She's been more alert and active. Because Adam was here for the whole weekend, he was able to hold her for the second time. The first time he held her was very stressful. She was only 2 weeks old and only 1 pound. When he held her they were switching out her isolette (which they do every 2 weeks) and he held her as they moved all of the hoses and cords to the new isolette. However, when each cord or hose would come unplugged, an alarm would sound and the numbers on the monitor indicating if her heart was beating and how well she was saturating turned to zero. It was horrible. We didn't know if she was breathing or not.

This time holding her was much more enjoyable for Adam. It was enjoyable to Dalley as well. This made it also enjoyable for me. I love holding my baby. I could do it all day long... but this.... This right here, is what makes my heart want to leap out of my chest.

"I want to hold your hand."

"Hey Dad, can I have a pony?" - Dalley

This little wonder is now 2 lbs 10 oz. Our nurse today was Lisa. Lisa is one of our primary nurses. Lisa is AMAZING! She never tells me things I "want" to hear. She tells things to me straight. I hate it. And I love it. Mostly I love it. If there is anything that is bothering her about Dalley, she will tell me and then get to work to figure out what is going on. She has earned the nickname of "Infection Ninja" from me. If Dalley has an infection, Lisa will find it. (Even if nobody else believes us..... ahem, ahem, cough, cough).

When I asked her today how things were going and how Dalley looked, her reply was, "She looks really good! She is looking like a baby and not so much like a preemie."

Those words. Those glorious words. "She's looking like a baby and not so much like a preemie"!

The doctors and nurses have told us that MOST premature babies get out of the NICU around their due date.... except really early preemies. They tend to get out later. They told us that we can probably plan on being here 1 to 2 months past our due date. Our due date was April 11, which may put us here in the NICU into May or June.

That seems like such a long time, but I will stay in here for years if that means she gets to come home with us.

These two people are my world. My soul is starting to heal. I can feel it. I will never forget the loss I have felt and the people who are no longer here that still should be. But this tiny human and this amazing man are filling so many holes in my broken heart.


  1. Hi Adam and Lacey, I'm so glad I stayed up late enough to see your post. Thank you for all the amazing and wonderful photos. I just simply LOVE them!!! I'm so happy for you three. Lacey, thank you for your explanations. You do it so beautifully. Hope you sleep well tonight and that goes for Adam and Dalley. Sending love and prayers.

  2. I'm so glad that this weekend was wonderful! All three of you deserve some happy family times. Please let me know if there is anything that we can do. We just keep praying for all of you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love love love seeing the interactions between Dalley and you both!!!! You can see how happy it makes her and just how much love and compassion there is in each of your hearts. You truly inspire me to be a better person and to work harder to be that way with my own little one. Praying for your sweet family daily! I think of you more often than you know!!! Hugs

  5. I was thinking the same thing- she looks like a baby! I know she's still tiny but she looks so much bigger and healthy. So happy to see. You're awesome

  6. Hi I am Hollie's sister. I met you on a Sunday up at the NICU. I love reading your updates on Dalley. Your little family has been through so much. I wish you the best! I also thought that Dalley was looking more like a baby in your picture before I even read what the nurse said.

    P.S. Could you convince Hollie to make a blog? Please and thank you! 😘

  7. Ahh this post has me smiling so much!! So happy to hear she is doing so well! I love the pictures- nothing beats watching dad love on his kid. She looks so big laying there on his chest. I just love love everything about this post!!! Love you!

  8. Best part of my Valentines Day seeing and feeling all this LOVE ! What a beautiful baby and family. Love you Lacey ❤❤❤

  9. What a great Valentine!!! The picture of Dalley holding Adam's finger is so dang cute. Love this post and all the pictures.

  10. I'd give her a pony if I could. She just melts my heart!

  11. I love it when babies suck their thumbs. She is so precious!❤❤
