Monday, February 6, 2017

Nobody Fights Alone

She lasted 20 hours without the ventilator before she had to be re-intubated. I wasn't sure if she would even last 1 hour. This girl is as tough as nails. Sometimes I just look at her and how small she is and think to myself, "How! How are you doing this?!". She's realized something that I think a lot of people forget, myself included. This life is amazing... and it's worth fighting for.

She weighed 2 lb and 3 oz at tonights weigh in. She now weighs 1 lb and 1 oz more than she did when she was born. When I look at her she still seems so small that it's hard to imagine she has double her birth weight.

Photo on the left taken a few days post birth. Photo on the right taken a month after birth.
We are making progress. We are moving forward. Even though days like today it may seem like we took a step back having to be intubated again. She is progressing. Now when I look at her I don't have the anxiety and the panic that I had in the first month. I still have anxiety... and I still have moments of panic, but they are becoming less and less.

I know that we have gotten much of our strength through the people around us. We have been flooded with support from so many people. So much support that we don't have the time to return the favor and acts of kindness so great that a "thank you" seems completely inadequate. You have NO IDEA the strength we have gotten from you. Phone calls, texts, gifts cards, meals, visits, money. I could go on and on.

Her first diaper. This diaper was oddly enough too big for her when she was first born. 

These are the kind of people I am so grateful are in my life. They are the people we will surround our little warrior with. The kind of people that bring out the best in others. That are selfless beyond words. Who have their own baby in the hospital fighting for their life and still see a need to bring you a gift card to buoy your spirits. And friends that find out the Diet Coke machine is only $.25 at the Ronald McDonald house and put together a quarter collection to feed your addiction that is keeping you somewhat sane.

This experience is so hard. It's bending us in ways I didn't know was possible. I would not wish this on anyone. Most days I beg the doctors and nurses to put me in a medically induced coma and to wake me up when this is over. Wake me up when she's ready to go home. Nobody complies. .... yet. :)
But we are going to come out of this stronger. We are cultivating relationships and strengthening already existing relationships with those that are surrounding us.

Thank you for your continued love and support. This little girl is teaching me so much already.... and the biggest is that "Nobody fights alone". What an ominous fight it would be if we were.

"I think somebody needs to change my diaper." -Dalley


  1. Lacey, I'm so happy things are improving, and that you got to hold Dalley again. She's strong just like her Momma! I love and admire you!

  2. Thank you for the update! You are exactly right no one fights alone we all need an amazing support group to help !!! It doesn't matter how long we've known them having there support means lots. So glad to see Dalley is such a fighter and making such improvements!!! She's doing amazing praying things continue to stay this way. I think the world of you how strong you are and how honest you have been with each blog when some days im sure you struggle for the words to write them through tears. Keep fighting and remember you have millions of people in your corner praying for your sweet family!!! We are fighting with you Dalley fight on!!!!

  3. Lacey, you are stronger than you think. I am so grateful to be able to read this blog. It makes me appreciate life even more. Dalley is a fighter for sure. You, Adam and Dalley have been in my prayers daily. I know she is being watched over be angels and so are you. Thanks for sharing! Sue Ann

  4. I am with you from a distance I read your updates and say prayers for your family. I am happy to hear of the improvement. If there is anything I can do from here please let me know.

  5. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. It makes my heart so happy to see you snuggling Dalley. I love your updates. Way to go baby Dalley!
