Tuesday, January 17, 2017

4 Weeks Old

Who Turned 4 weeks old today????????

Her likes include:
-Sleeping on her belly
-Putting her hands up by her head.
-Reading books and being sang to
-An occasional binky

Her dislikes include:
-Tubes down her throat
-Sleeping on her left side
-Noisy babies/roomates
-When you lift the blanket and let in light while she's trying to sleep

I don't know when most people start counting "the months".  I think I might be 3 days early because she was born on the 20th, but today still feels like a day to celebrate. 

4 weeks old. We've survived this for almost a month now. 

It's strange to think that Dalley has been alive for 4 weeks, yet if I were still pregnant I would only be 28 weeks along. 

 She was 510 grams (1 lb 2 ounces) the day she was born and today she weighed in at 730 grams (1 lb 10 ounces). 

She keeps having some issues with her oxygen saturation that they believe are being caused by the PDA in her heart. They don't think it's causing a big enough issue to do anything about it right now but they continue to watch her closely. Her kidneys are also immature so her urine output has been insufficient. They have her on a mild steroid to help with urine output. 

Every drive up to the hospital and every step I take into the hospital is filled with intense anxiety. I wonder what catastrophic scenario is going to be unfolding in front of me when I walk into her room. However, the only scene that has ever been there to greet me is this tiny little warrior that is fighting like hell to make it through another day.

It almost seems like an oxymoron that one of the strongest people I know is my 1 pound baby, but it is the absolute truth. It is something I will remind her of every day for the rest of my and her life. She is going to conquer this life one battle at a time. That's what every day feels like right now. At the end of every night we fall into bed weary because it has been an exhausting victory. 

Good night from our weary warrior. 


  1. Thank you for the update Lacey and happy 1 month Miss Dalley. We think about you all the time and you're always in our prayers.

  2. We are continuing to pray for all of you! She is a mighty warrior.

  3. Thank you for the up date ! I continue to pray for your sweet family daily and send as many positive vibes as I can. I love seeing your updates to see Dalleys pictures and know she is a fighter like her mom and she will make it! Hugs to you all

  4. Everyday she gets a little stronger! She is so beautiful and I appreciate the updates! You guys are still in my prayers and my families prayers. Hang in there!! Love you!

  5. She is my hero and so are you!!! We keep praying!!! Love you all!!! 💗💗💗

  6. Beautiful update and great pictures. Thanks for including us all in this journey! Your in our thoughts and prayers ! FEEL THE LOVE !
