Monday, January 9, 2017

A Good Day

Today has been a good day. One of the better days we've had in a while. There is a direct correlation that exists between the kind of day Dalley has and the kind of day Adam and I have. When she has a good day....we have a good day. I have a feeling this is just parenthood. I don't expect this phenomenon to leave anytime soon.

We finally have control of the infection. We got 3 days in a row of "no growth" on the blood cultures and they have started to wean her off the nitric oxide gas. Despite the weaning of the nitric oxide... she has still been able to maintain her oxygen saturations without as much help from the ventilator. She should be completely off the nitric oxide by tomorrow afternoon and they are not anticipating any problems. ... Fingers crossed. She did so good today.

They also performed an echocardiogram on her heart today. The scan did show that she has a PDA (patent ductus arteriosus)... I had to google this.....but this is something they expect in any baby as small as she is. Right now they are not worried about it. Sometimes it's an issue that fixes itself, sometimes they give medication or there is a surgery that can fix it as well. As of right now, she is so small that it is just something that they are going to keep an eye on. Other than the PDA, the scan showed no other abnormalities.

They've started swaddling her in a little pink bandana. I think she likes the security that it provides, except she always wiggles out one or both of her hands. I love that we're starting to see little parts of her personality... I also love that the swaddle makes her look like a burrito. I've actually seen a burrito that is bigger than she is in her swaddle.

My sister is in town to spend the week with me. We've lovingly referring to it as being on "crazy control". :)  We went to the bookstore and she bought Dalley some new books. We spent the day reading them to her.

I love that she's here. My family is close. We've always been close, but the bond became even stronger and more necessary when our parents died. They get me. I have laughed more today than I have in a long time. It was good for my soul.

We all needed this day. Today was a win. Tomorrow marks Dalley's 3 week birthday or 27 week gestation time period. 3 weeks ago I didn't know if we'd make it to this point. I know the road ahead is still long, but we can handle long... as long as the result is her coming home with us.

"Everything is okay." -Dalley Raye Garfield

Thank you for the continued love and support.


  1. So glad you posted. I've been checking compulsively. Happy tears with this post.

  2. So happy to hear to good news. I think of you often during the day and pray for you all. Sending love and hugs. Aunt Alona

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So happy to hear such lovely news!
    We have been praying for you mightily from our mission here in Spain.
    I feel like I should tell you about my favorite songs that you and Dalley might love to hear.
    You can YouTube them. 'Songs for the Inner Child' by Shaina Knoll.
    I have been so inspired and comforted by the songs and have sung them to my clients and my children and grandchildren hundreds of times.
    Having the beautiful gift of music that you do, I think you would love them. I wish I could personally give them to you but in the meantime I continue to pray for you. I am overwhelmed at the beauty, courage, and transparency with which you share this powerful journey. Your family has always been my heroes. My best memories of growing up was spending time in Inkom Idaho with my handsome cousin Todd and all the rest. I'm not kidding! The BEST moments of my life. You have powerful angels and are a brilliant reflection of them.

  5. Lots of love and prayers. ❤❤❤

  6. This post has lifted my spirits!! I'm so grateful for the good days! Thinking of you and RGV laughing makes me smile. She is good for everyone's soul!!! Family is how we get through life. I'm grateful you have each other. Indeed there are burritos out there bigger than Miss Dalley, but nothing as cute as she is!!! Parker had a PDA. It scared us to death to think about it, but in the end just a little dose of medicine and it closed right up. He has never had any problems. Trust your doctors. They know what they are doing and we are all praying for their knowledge and experience to help Dalley be a healthy happy little peanut!! We love you guys!!! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  7. Yay for good days!!!! It's always good to see an up when you had been struggling with such a down. She is so beautiful just like her momma. I pray every day for your sweet family. I'm so glad your sister was able to come stay with you this week. Hugs

  8. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— I'm so very happy to hear that she had a good day! Oh that makes my heart leap with joy!!!!

  9. Hurray hurray!! Go Dalley go!! There is power in prayer!! Woot woot!

  10. We love you Lacey,Dalley and Adam. This post makes my heart happy today.

  11. Laughing is good for the soul! I love reading your posts. You are constantly on my mind. I love how you tell it like it is and are so simply honest. I love you Lace. And I love Dalley. And her ok picture.

  12. What a beauty!!! And I know her grandma and grandpa Gilbert watching over you all, especially their sweet tiny granddaughter Dalley!! Keep your chin up your doing great. If you need anything, even just to chat let me know

  13. I love this picture of her hand Lace! It reminds me of yours- and at any moment she is going to start typing on her palm😊 love you all! Mauri

  14. Such wonderful news and we are so happy for these darling pictures. She's in our prayers as are you and Adam. We love you all!

  15. Lace, just showed mom and dad the pictures of cute Dalley and mom started to cry. They wanted me to tell you they love you and you are in their prayers.
