Sunday, January 22, 2017


They said that our time in the NICU would be a "roller coaster ride"..... and right "they" were.

Dalley now has pneumonia. A few days ago (January 19) her stats started becoming a bit unstable again. She was showing a scary resemblance to the last time she got an infection. She had an increased heart rate, temperature instability and a higher requirement from the ventilator for gas exchange in her lungs.

They pulled blood cultures and cultured the aspirate from her trachea and the trachea tested positive for an infection.

She was immediately given another PIC line and started on another round of antibiotics.
My little buddha belly baby getting ready for her third PIC line.

It breaks my heart to think about how much pain this tiny person has already had to endure in her short life. Most babies her age are still safely tucked away in their mother's womb. No requirement put on their lungs to breathe or on their digestive system to digest milk. Her tiny little body is being asked too much and the result is an insufficient immune system that is very susceptible to illness. 

But like every battle she's been forced to fight, she seems to be winning. Her body seems to be responding to the medication and the doctors and nurses luckily caught this infection before it entered her blood stream. In the NICU world, a blood infection (which she had last time), is much worse than a lung infection. 

Yesterday and today she was stable enough that we got to have "modified" skin to skin time. They pulled down the walls of her isolette and I was able to wrap my hands around her body. My small hands completely cover her. 

I was able to contain her for about 20 minutes and in that time I sang to her some of my favorite songs. I sang "You are my Sunshine", because that's what my mom used to sing to me when I was a baby. I sang "Someone like You", because that was one of my favorite songs my grandma Gilbert used to sing. I sang "The Rose", because that's my favorite song of all time. Lastly, I sang to her "The River", by Garth Brooks, because to me it's about the journey of life. .... and hers is just beginning.

Like the rest of us, she is going to have a lifetime of incredibly happy and great times, but also a lifetime of incredibly painful, difficult and trying times. It will be in those moments of anguish that I will remind her of her strength. She is fighting harder than most of us had to just for a chance to exist. Her struggle is hard to watch, but inspiring me at the same time. I will always remind her of the fight she put up to be here and remind her that there isn't anything in this life that she cannot do. 

Rocky Pose!!!!!!
Victory is on the horizon. 


  1. First thank you so much do the continued updates! I am sure it is at times the last thing on your mind but I honestly find myself waiting for them to know how your sweet family is doing!!! I want to thank you for your honesty, I'm sure at times it would be easier to just not say so thank you! Dalley is a fighter just like you Lacey ! You have been through so much in your life I can only imagine your children would be just the same and fight the whole way. Glad to see she is able to fight like crazy against all odds. Praying for your family many times a day and thinking of you often. Hugs and please remember you're not alone you have many followers who love and care for your family even if we are not close. I am here day or night if you ever need me please don't hesitate to message me!

    1. Thank you kamelle. Your kind words and support mean a lot.

  2. She has beautiful eyes! That photo of her with her eyes open and alert is gorgeous! What a beautiful little fighter!

  3. Lacey, unlike you I am horrible with words and portraying how I am feeling. But I agree with every thing that Kamelle said and I too think of your family often. Little Dalley is just beautiful and my prayers are with you. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

  4. I am continually amazed by the strength of your family. Again, you all are constantly on my mind. I check this blog regularly to keep up on you.

    1. Thanks for thinking of us Maddy. I wish I were as strong as people think I am. We love you. Thanks for the support.

  5. That skin to skin care will do wonders for her! It is a form of medicine from mommy!!

  6. I love the picture of you with your hands around her. I think it really put into perspective just how tiny she is! Like everyone else here, I am always anxious to see a new update on little Dalley. You are an amazing woman, Lacey. The three of you (Garfield Family) are going to be an unstoppable force. Those who fight for something appreciate it so much more, and Dalley will appreciate her life so much more than many of us who take advantage of it. We don't realize how precious life is when we live in a comfortable bubble, but she already has taught me so much in her first month of life!! Go Dalley!!!

  7. Lacey, my sister Luana and I have been following your blog and little Dalley's progress daily and have you all in our prayers. I put Dalley's name in the temple here on Saturday. What a sweet little thing she is! Just wanted to let you know we care!

    Shayann and Shaun's Aunt Lynne in Calgary

  8. Bless your hearts ! As always FEEL THE LOVE ! ❤❤❤

  9. She is amazing just like her mom and dad!! Being a fighter is in her DNA!! She's got this and so do her parents!! Thank you for all her updates!! I really look forward to hearing how she's doing. Love you!!
