Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Daddy's Girl.

I might be biased but I think Dalley looks so beautiful in this picture. I think it's the fact that her eyes are open and she doesn't look as sick as she usually does in pictures.

Dalley had a few set backs today on her ventilator. She was having a hard time keeping her oxygen saturation levels up and after getting a chest x-ray completed, it was discovered that her lungs had collapsed. They had to amp up the settings on the ventilator to get her numbers back to where they need to be. Another bump in the road.

Today was the first day of our "new normal". Adam is living down in Springville because he started class again this afternoon. I am living in Salt Lake at the Ronald McDonald house. He will be coming up to see us on Friday and stay for the weekend.

I am already feeling his absence quite profoundly. I spent 20 minutes trying to find my car keys when I was leaving the hospital. I tore apart every bag I had with me and retraced my steps throughout the NICU 15 times before I remembered I had used the valet parking service.... and they had my keys.

Dalley and I miss our dad and husband. We knew today would be hard. Which is why yesterday, Adam was allowed to do "kangaroo care" or "skin to skin" with Dalley. I was still trying to decide if I had a cold or not, so I opted to let Adam hold her. It was honestly ALMOST as emotional and rewarding for me to watch him hold her as it was for me to hold her myself.

She is going to be switched over to a new ventilator in 2 days, and that ventilator has a short hose so we can't hold her when she is on it. I'm so happy that he got a chance to hold her before he left today and before she gets switched over.

It just about melts your heart to see crocodile tears running down your husbands face as he holds his baby for the first time.

I tried to capture the moment the best that I could. It takes so much work and several people to be able to move her out of her isolette and into our arms.

The respiratory therapist and the nurse have to work together to make sure the hoses aren't kinked and that they don't move at all in her airway.

I think it's safe to say that dad is wrapped around her tiny tiny fingers.

She did so well doing skin to skin with her dad. Her numbers were equally stable as they were when she was with me.

I can't wait to watch their relationship grow. There is something about a little girl's relationship with her dad. And I think this little girl has got the best dad around.

I catch him staring at pictures of her on his phone.

He sits and reads books to her.

And he leaves her mom reminder notes on the door because I'm a space case.. and he is abnormally organized. (Notice that 'keys' is on the list of things I habitually forget... :) )

I've cried a thousand tears today. I hate seeing my baby the way she is. I miss Adam. I miss my mom. Moments like this I really, really wish my mom were alive to come be with me.

This is our new normal.... for now. Not forever. But for now.

And we can do this.


  1. She looks so peaceful in his arms. I hope the new ventilator works better? Will this be a permanent thing until she doesn't need one?

    Time will pass. She is almost 2 weeks! You all can do it!

  2. Lacey,
    This is the most beautiful thing I have read in a long time. I may not know you, but my prayers are with your family always!❤

  3. Lacey,
    I'm so glad you are documenting all of this, you have a gift for writing. It will be a treasure forever to have. I check regularly for updates and am always so excited to get word of how it's going. You are all in our prayers multiple times a day. No one can replace a mom or a fabulous husband like Adam, but I'd be happy to keep you company at the hospital or for a lunch date anytime. Seriously, just call and I'll be there. All my love.

  4. What a sweet tribute to your husband <3 my cousin Jon Brown, who's in your husband's PA program, contacted me today to see if the ward was getting meals to Adam, because Rocky Mountain people would also like to help him out. If you are ever concerned that Adam needs more meals, call me and all the Springvillans will happily take care of Dalley's daddy!!

  5. Lacey, you are exactly right just remember it day by day, there are highs and lows but it will get better. Nothing is permanent thank goodness for technology, I don't know if you are able to but maybe you can skype or FaceTime from your phone during the week so he can see you both. Also on the weekends you'll get to physically see him just remember you still have to be strong. You are not alone I am sure your mom is right there with you talk to her! She will find a way to let you know she is with you I truly believe that! I love seeing the pictures with you both and Dalley she is so beautiful and needs you both so much it's so wonderful that you both see how much she needs you!!!! I pray for you and your sweet family daily!!! I am always here if you ever need to talk Day or night don't be afraid to message me!!!! Hugs

  6. We love you and our prayers are with you. ♥

  7. Dalley is so beautiful!!! Thank you for blogging and sharing your experience with us. I have cried sad and happy tears as I have read your posts. You 3 are truly amazing!

  8. I love reading your posts! I'm so sorry it was a rough day...but what a lovely tribute to your husband and Dalley's daddy! Thanks for sharing your updates here, I enjoy sharing your journey and fighting back ball baby tears each time I read. So much love and prayers going your way! Hugs, Holly

  9. I can't remember how I stumbled into your blog, but I've been here reading all these updates and crying with you. I am praying for you and your family Lacey and sending hugs!

  10. Lacey, I read your blogs everyday. Then I pray for you three and shed a few tears. I truly know that Janine is there with you. Todd too. So many people are praying for you on both sides of the veil. So many hard times in our little community right now. If there is anything we can do for you, we will do it joyfully. Also, our five kids in Utah will help in anyway we can. Until then, your little family is in our hearts and prayers.

  11. Love reading your posts about your sweet little family 💖💖💖 stay strong!!! She's a fighter 🤗
