Sunday, January 29, 2017


"Block with the left... jab with the right."  -Dalley

I am obsessed with this baby. I stare at her all the time.

She has had several good days in a row. .... besides the fact that she is not gaining weight, but has been losing weight. This is mostly because she was given a lot of fluids while she was on her antibiotics, and she is now just starting to pee off all of the excess fluids. One of her favorite past times is peeing through her diaper so the nurses have to change all of the bedding. She thinks it's hilarious. She has also had several FULL diapers. I LOVE when she has a full diaper. I never thought stool could bring such happiness.

She was taken off food when they thought she had a stomach infection. Now that they have ruled out a stomach infection, she is back up to full feeds of 14 mL. They are fortifying the caloric amoun from 22 calories to 24 calories. Hopefully the fortification will help her gain weight but will not cause an excess in gas production and give us another NEC scare.

One of our primary nurses, Jane, getting her nightly weight.

Last night she weighed 850 grams (1 lb 14 ounces). Today she only weighed 810 grams (1 lb 13 oz). Now that she's feeling better, I hope she starts gaining weight. She clearly has her dad's metabolism, instead of her mom's.

I've started to notice a few things with Dalley. Her dark hair is turning blonde and I think I saw some curls. I think she is getting big and mature enough that she is more aware of things that bug her. She is constantly trying to spit out the tubes going down her throat. She gets antsy when she's hungry. She also seems to hate when she has to lay in the same position for too long. She still doesn't like being swaddled. And she still sleeps with her hands all over the place. I think she's going to be a free spirit.

"You're letting the light in..." - Dalley

Yesterday when Jane was changing the bedding on her bed, I got to hold her for a brief moment. I cannot wait until holding her is second nature to me. When I can just pick her up and hold her close to me. That will be a day I will never forget.

It's amazing to me how much power this tiny little girl has over us. 

She has left her footprint permanently on our hearts. 


  1. This makes me so happy. 💙 Prayers everyday for you all.
    Ashley Slaugh

  2. Yay another day stronger 🤗💖🎉🎉🎉

  3. Love the updates makes my heart all warm inside!!!!! So glad for good days!!!! She is getting stronger and stronger just like her mommy and daddy!!!! Yay for boring days!!! Praying for you daily and thinking of your family multiple times a day constantly wondering how today is going for you all. Thank your for the wonderful updates! Tell your little boxer to keep fighting! Hugs

  4. Ditto to what Kamelle Jones just shared!

  5. Love!! She's starting to look bigger to me. I know she hasn't gained a lot in weight and length but she does. I am so glad she has had a bit of a break from fighting so hard. Praying for many more good days and the day you'll take her home to snuggle. Thanks for sharing your journey and your angles with us. Miss you!! Keep holding on and loving your precious warrior. Love and hugs!!

  6. Hurray for boring days!! We pray for you guys and hope Dalley will continue to grow grow grow!!!

  7. You're amazing!!! I saw this quote the other day about never giving up and it reminds me of you everytime I see it. You keep going strong and it gives me strength to never give up hope. We love for you and pray for you guys often.
