Sunday, January 1, 2017

Moments That Change You

Party Bow! Happy New Year!

I think we all have moments in our life that permanently change us. You enter the day one person, the catalyst occurs and you come out of that moment different.  Sometimes for the better and sometimes not.

Most of these moments in my life have been unexpected. A lot of these moments have been so painful that I didn't think I'd ever recover. Some of them have been so sacred, tender and special that you didn't know your heart could feel that much joy.

2 days ago I had one of those moments.... and I'll never be the same. A better person. Full of more love and hope, and less fear. 

I got to hold my baby.  My living and breathing baby. Skin to Skin. It is a moment my heart has longed for for years.... yet a moment I didn't know if I would ever get. An hour of pure bliss that I wish I could have paused forever.

It was something that both Dalley and I needed. Her oxygen saturation has never been better than it was in that hour. Her heart rate came down in those minutes, and I felt a greater love and bond with her than I thought was possible. 

Dalley has been on antibiotics for a few days now. Her numbers have leveled out again and she is acting more like she did before she got the infection. The doctors and nurses are hopeful that the treatment plan is working. We won't know for a few more days and once the infection is gone, they keep her on antibiotics for 10 days to make sure she has kicked the infection completely. 

One of the infections has been identified and they are still waiting on a few more cultures to see if she has a fungus as well. 

I think I am coming down with a cold so I am avoiding the NICU today. It's breaking my heart to not be with her, but I am happy that Adam is still on break so he can go sit with her. Dad is reading her books today. 

I think him spending as much time with her is crucial. I know he is worried sick about leaving us here to start school. We just keep reminding ourselves to take this one day at a time. We can't look much past that point or it starts to feel too overwhelming. 

Happy New Year from our family to yours!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the continued, love, support and prayers. We feel so much love during this time. 


  1. I'm so happy for you momma!!!! That is the best feeling in the world to hold your wonderful baby something you created! I'm sure she has longed to snuggle with you as much as you have her. I pray you get more wonderful days like this snuggling Dalley I honestly believe it helps with healing of you and her both. Praying things continue to keep going well! Pray you feel better soon so you can go be with your sweet baby she needs you as much as you need her. You are exactly right all you can do is take things a day at a time and be strong and positive for your girl. Hugs Happy New Year to you and your family also!!!!

  2. Oh Lacey. I hope there are more and more of these moments in your future. Happy New Years from the Amans.

  3. Yay what an amazing moment for you!! I remember having to leave my little guy over night and sleeping in the waiting room because I couldn't do it so I can only imagine what you mustt be going through 💔 My heart literally breaks for you Lacey and I don't even know you... but please know this- I think about you and your little family every day and I pray for your little girl every day and for you and your husband to have strength and comfort everyday 💖💖💖 be strong mama you will be taking her home soon!!!

  4. That last picture 💙 So happy you and Daley got to hold each other!! I was thinking of her last night as I drove home from Salt Lake. Welcome to 2017, little baby!

  5. Couldn't be more happy for you! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Look how far you have come❤❤❤

  6. What an incredibly precious and unforgettable moment! I'm so happy that you were able to hold her!

  7. This is so awesome!! I remember holding my baby skin to skin ( kangaroo care) and I treasured those moments!! To this day my little boy is still a major snuggler with his mama:) His oxygen stats and heart rate would level out when I would hold him. I treasure those moments in the NICU! So glad you got to hold her!!!!

  8. Yahoo!! You all look so fantastic!! What an great day!! So happy for you!!

  9. I love this post so much. Here's to wishing you many more moments with the sweet girls that are as precious as this! Happy New Year!

  10. I concur with all of the posts here and I know that your little girl will be ok and one day soon be healthy and strong and perfectly normal. She is being taken care of by a host of heavenly healing angels who are with her and also you and my nephew, Adam, every minute of the day and night. Her grandpa Jay is my brother and although we have not met yet, I will plan on doing so when I go to Utah in June for a visit with my family there. You are a beautiful young woman and Adam is adorable, so that little girl can only be gorgeous!! You all are blessed, so try to relax and enjoy your new life as a mom, dad and family. I am little Dalley's great Aunt Deon and I can hardly wait for June!! Love to you all :-)

  11. What a beautiful family!! That skin to skin contact is so important!!! For you and Dalley!!! She will be stronger and healthier feeling you close. I am so happy for you. Turning a corner in the right direction!!! We love you all!!! 💗

  12. Yay!!!! Crying over here....happy, happy tears that you were able to hold sweet Dalley!!!! Best. Day. Ever. I remember that day like it was yesterday....oh the peace and love is unmeasurable!! Skin to skin was the best thing I did everyday in the NICU! Once we were able to get Hudson out more frequently, we did skin to skin a lot. He was released from the hospital a whole month sooner than expected and all the nurses and doctors said they believed it was because he had so mmany ch skin to skin time with both my husband and me. Keep it up, if medicine for you both!!! Praying your gold goes away quickly...glad you are taking a break. Hugs!!

  13. Oh this makes me soooo happy!!! Best day!!! ❤️
